Chapter 15: Work Ethic

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Chapter 15: Work Ethic

Levy's P.O.V.❤️

"H-Huh?!" Levy looked up at Gajeel confused and worried.

"Are you deaf or somethin?' I said who the hell are you."

"I'm... you really don't remember-"

"No. Answer the damn question!"

"Uh, it's me, Levy!"

Gajeel broke his stare and then glared back again.

"You say it like I've heard it before. I'll tell you now I've haven't."

I stopped and thought for a moment. 'Could it be... the spell?"

'Cast this spell on a human being,

Swiftly they shall forget to think,

Forget what happened minutes ago,

And wake up with not a friend nor foe.'

"This can't be!" Levy swiftly ran and grabbed her book reading over the page.

"I'm leaving." Gajeel spoke turning around as he walked trough the door frame.

"Wait! Y-You can't! You need to go back to Fairy Tail!" I yelled desperately.

"Stop acting like you know who I am! And what the hell is Fairy Tail?!" Gajeel yelled back irritated.

"It's... it's our guild..." I said looking up at him.

"Listen up Shrimp!"

Before we even knew it, we were screaming at each other. A lady who worked there came to us. "That's enough! Do you plan on continuing this childish rivalry all day?!" I looked at the young women who had her arms crossed. She wore a white button up with ruffles and a dark violet pencil skirt. Her red heels stood as tall as her ego and her light green hair was up in a bun. She looked like she was in her twenties at least.

I really didn't notice I was arguing so loud until she came and said something about it. I bowed my head. "Forgive me." Gajeel on the other hand didn't care. He was just being a perv- which usually isn't him. He was staring at her large breasts and I couldn't help but feel jealous. Though, I didn't know why.

The woman looked at me and frowned. "You seem to have some politeness, just be a bit quieter." She spoke then looking at Gajeel as if she was expecting something. Gajeel just continued to stare at her massive tits ignoring how she was getting angrier by the minute - second - millisecond. She took out a walking stick and it transformed into a sword.

'That's Erza's magic...' I thought.

I sat and watched her as she hit Gajeel in the head completely defenseless.

"INSOLENT SCOUNDREL!" The women yelled.

Gajeel started rubbing his head where the previous knock was. "What in the hell is wrong with you?" He hissed.

"Me?" The women said in disbelief. "My, my! Do you not have any manners staring at a lady like that? And the way you were just screaming at this woman! Highly unacceptable!" She lectured. Gajeel just rolled his eyes not caring what she was saying and I'm getting tired of it. But I don't want to argue, or get him mad for that matter.

Why? Because as much as I don't want to admit it, I'm scared. It's like all my fear of him is coming back.

What have I done?


Thank goodness!! I finally thought of a plot! Before I was just making a ton of problems I couldn't fix, I finally have a solution! Yay!


I don't give up on stories.🍉🍉

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