semi x reader

Beginne am Anfang

    I guess we'll be sleeping here.


The girl, Emily, wanted to meet Eita at a cafe and I went with him. I'm extra clingy today so I held on to his arm the whole time, from the moment we left the house and until now that we're going to be meeting this girl. Eita would brush my hair as I studied for a quiz.

Emily arrived kinda late but it was fine since, he and I had our alone time before she got here. I let them talk to each other and just focused on studying for my quiz. Our fingers were intertwined and he would play with our hands while he spoke to her.

I don't understand anything from their conversation so I just wore headphones, Eita didn't say anything so I guess I'm fine. They were talking about music, and aside from genres, I know nothing about it. Eita's a musician and sometimes he'd serenade me to sleep, it always works.

I take my headphones off when he squeezed my face with his hand, making me look at him. I furrow my brows when he just squeezed my face, copying the way how I look. He pecked my lips, pulling away when Emily came back.

"You guys are engaged, right?" Emily asks and points at the two of us. I give her a smile and nod. Eita wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. "My boyfriend said you guys always fight, somehow I don't believe that. Too much chemistry's going on." Eita chuckles and kissed the side of my head.

"We're just being tested." Eita answered and drank his coffee. He's been drinking coffee since last night, he shouldn't be drinking too much coffee. "I hate breaking my promises, so nothing'll happen to us."

"Eita chased you, didn't he?" The girl asks me, pointing to him as she looked at me. I nod and she sighed. "A man in love is really easy to spot. Any action he makes, can tell the world how he really is." I look at Eita and chuckle, seeing how red his face is.

    They continued talking about their music thingies and I just studied while I waited for them to finish. I want to throw my textbook out the window, I can't understand anything anymore. I try rereading everything, starting from the very beginning. I hate quizzes, they are worse than our exams.

    I excused myself for a bit to buy myself coffee, I figured that drinking might help. I bought donuts along with it so that I wouldn't be drinking on an empty stomach, not risking to have any tummy ache. I call out to Eita, asking him to help me bring the tray; I am clumsy and I might break things from here if I don't ask for help. He stood right away and helped me out.

    Eita was very observant of me as I ate, he would wipe my mouth whenever I had chocolate on the corner of my lips. He even had a sanitizer out, just in case I was done eating. He kinda complained why I bought so many donuts when I wouldn't be finishing them, I made an excuse of eating them at home. He gave in.

    We went on a date after their chat, he would make me leave my bag in the car, when we go out to have our date.  Eita held my hand tight as we roamed around the mall, he came with me to H&M and Forever21, I never wanted to buy anything but in the end, I bought some.

    Eita's eyes sparkled when we saw a music store, he asked me if we could go and instead of hearing my answer, he dragged me inside. I would let him either way. He kinda held himself back as he looked at the instruments, I just chuckle at him.

    "You don't have to act like you don't want to check them out, Love. I want to see you play, so go ahead." His face brightened up, giving me a kiss before asking the staff to let him test the guitar. I took a photo of him, he looks handsome even in a stolen shot.

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