me not her

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Bryce x Jaden
.I'm your baby not her.

Jaden sat at the top of the stairs just looking at his boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend talk.

they had been ignoring Jaden the whole time and he was fed up with it. and he was also sure she was flirting with him.

he went up to their shared room and just laid on the bed. he thought of a plan to get her to leave.

he walked downstairs and saw the two just talking still but sitting closer than usual.

" hey prince," Bryce said

" Hey Bryce," Jaden said, Bryce was shocked because Jaden never uses Bryce's actual name Jaden walked out to the balcony and Bryce followed.

he had a small smirk on his face as he looked out at the view. " what the fuck was that" Bryce said as he stepped out.

"I don't know go ask your girlfriend bitch" Jaden said with anger laced in as he looked at Addison.

" baby she's not my girl, your my man from now until the end of time," Bryce said as he pulled Jaden into a hug.

Jaden was gonna hug back but then he remembered he was mad at Bryce so he didn't. Jaden just wiggles his way out of Bryce's grasp.

" Tell her to leave or a certain someone doesn't get to fuck me for a month," Jaden said with a stern voice and then walking inside.

" Addison you need to leave," Bryce said as he looked at Jaden who had a smirk on his face.

" why," She said with anger on her face

" because I have a very handsome BOYFRIEND who won't let me fuck him if you don't leave," Bryce says as he pulls Jaden into his hold

" well you could just fuck me instead," Addison said with a smirk on her face.

" Bitch just get the fuck out" Bryce yelled.

" Alright fine," She said, walking out and slammed the door

" finally you're all mine," Jaden said, hugging Bryce and kissing him.

"Let's go cuddle," Jaden says as he takes Bryce's hand and walks him up the stairs

the two cuddled for three hours and Bryce fell asleep. Jaden got up and went downstairs and started cleaning the couch to get rid of any traces of Addison

he didn't like her because she had tried to break up with him and Bryce before. she failed. but she always was more flirty and touchy with Bryce.

Jaden had some trust in Bryce but not a whole lot. Just cause of some previous situations, Jaden spent the next 30 minutes cleaning until a sleepy Bryce walked down

" hey prince" Bryce said as he wrapped his arms around Jaden.

" Hey bubba, did you sleep well," Jaden asked leaning into Bryce's touch.

" yes, thanks for asking," Bryce said. then they heard a knock at the door.

Jaden went to open it and no one was there except a box. Jaden got the box and went back inside the apartment.

" who's it from," Bryce asked while looking at the box.

"it's said from princess to Jaden"  Jaden read aloud

Bryce's face dropped, you see him and Addison had hooked up behind Jaden's back and Bryce called Addison princess.

" uh, how about you don't open that," Bryce said panicking if Jaden found out he would be crushed.

" bitch are you dumb? imma open it" Jaden said laughing and cutting the box open.

Jaden opens the box and his face was in confusion. " a note?" He said.

Dear Jaden, it's me Addison the bitch you hate. I just wanted to tell you that Bryce and I hooked up at a party and man was great. you aren't the only one he calls princess during sex.
      - Addison rae

Jaden's eyes were glossy as he read that over and over again.

" bitch you fucking cheated on me?" Jaden said in an asking way.

"I'm sorry and we were on a break," Bryce said raising his voice.

" so this is why she spends so much time with you," Jaden said putting all the puzzle pieces together in his head

"I swear it was one time and I would never do it again just don't leave me," Bryce said as a tear ran down his face

" i- I need some space please," Jaden said already thinking about what he was gonna do.

" ok prince," Bryce said as he left the room and went to the guest room. Jaden just went to his and Bryces shared room and face-planted on the bed and cried.


it had been a week and Bryce and Jaden really only made small talk, Jaden had decided on staying with Bryce just he didn't tell him yet.

" Bryce c-can we talk outside," Jaden said quietly.

Bryce just nodded and followed Jaden out to the balcony.

" look I'm saying this once and only once, I'm not breaking up with you but I swear to god if you ever cheat on me again. if we are on a break or not I will leave your ass in a heartbeat" Jaden said

" yes, I promise I won't do it again," Bryce said pulling Jaden into a hug.

Jaden just melted into Bryce's touch. they sat on some chairs they sat out there and cuddled.

Jaden started moving around on Bryce's lap, Bryce knew exactly what Jaden was doing.

Jaden flipped over and began to straddle Bryce kissing him and leaving hickeys.

he pulled Bryce's shorts down just enough to slip his dick out of the boxers.

Jaden slipped his own pants and underwear off. he lowered himself onto Bryce's dick and began to ride him.

" Ohh f-fuck baby" Jaden said as Bryce gave him hickeys on his neck.

" shit prince I'm gonna c-cum" Bryce said as Jaden picked up the pace.

" me too daddy" Jaden whispered into Bryce's ear.

Bryce took his hand and began to jerk off Jaden.

" oh, shit daddy" Jaden said as he came into Bryce's hand.

" fuck baby I'm coming," Bryce said as he came in Jaden.

the two went inside and cleaned up and went into the bed and cuddled.

it was quiet until Jaden spoke "remember I'm better than her"

" yes you are baby boy," Bryce said as he kissed Jadens head

so I haven't seen anyone do this but if you have please let me know.

also, I'm going to Virginia in a couple of days and my flights are hella long and at night so I won't be sleeping.

so I may not upload from like the 31st of August until like the second of September

but n e ways bye hoes

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