Chapter 06 - A Friendship is Born

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Samantha awaited the arrival of their luggage at the airport baggage claim. The flight was terrible with turbulence throughout the trip, and she was still feeling discomfort. While waiting, she picked up the agenda where noted all phones she would need while was in Barbados, especially the taxi. She put her luggage on trolley and headed toward the airport lounge.

As she walked, she was looking for the taxi phone number, looking from time to time to not "run over" anyone in the way. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice next to her.

- I cannot believe you didn't see me... I'm hurt...

Samantha looked to the side and there was the handsome smiling at her.

- Tanner? - She felt a mad desire to hug and kiss him, but she held back - What are you doing here?

- Give you a ride - He smiled, kissed her face and Samantha melted - I called Teryl to get the flight and the time, because I remembered that I don't have your phone number.

- It's true. I forgot to give the number for you at our last meeting. Sorry...

- It's all right. Let's go? - Tanner took the trolley from her and led her to the car - How was the trip?

- Horrible... - Samantha sighed.

- Too much turbulence?

- Yes... I even thought we were near the Bermuda Triangle - Tanner laughed.

- On this route is very common. But are you okay?

- Yes, I am... a little sick - she laughed - But soon I'll be fine.

During the way to the hotel they talked a lot about many things, and subjects flowed easily. In a moment Samantha looked at him and smiled fun.

- What? - Tanner asked giggling.

- Who sees you driving so peaceful, cannot imagine the beast that is behind the wheel.

- It's best to leave the emotion to the track - he smiled - Have you ever been on the track in a race car?

- Not yet... I have a great desire to do it, but never had the opportunity.

- Oh... So I'll be obliged to fulfill this wish...

- What? Are you serious?

- Of course! How can you write about the thrill of being at high speed in a race car if you've never been in one?

- Oh my God - she laughed - I cannot wait!

Samantha was in the room unpacking, hanging clothes and packing up personal belongings. She had a big smile on her face, thinking about Tanner. He was staying at the same hotel, and his room was next to hers.

- What a wonderful man - she sighed - Talking to him is so good, it seems as if we have known each other for decades...

She went to the porch of her room. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting, giving to the sky beautiful shades of orange and red. The view was beautiful, and she could enjoy the pools of the hotel and the beach.

Samantha took a refreshing bath and placed a floral dress. She held the long hair in a ponytail and made a light makeup. When finished putting on perfume, she heard a light knock on the door. Was it the maid? When she opened it, saw the handsome standing before her, smiling. My God, what a man...

- Tanner?

- I came to see if you are okay, if you need something, and if you would like to dine with me.

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