Chapter 25 - Suspicions

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Samantha was at the hotel restaurant with her notebook doing research, and was so focused on what she was doing that didn't realize when Tanner sat down beside her.

- Good morning, sweetie - Tanner said lovingly and she was frightened - I'm sorry...

- It's okay - she laughed - Good morning - She smiled and kissed him sexily.

- Hmmm... What a delicious kiss... - He smiled and kissed her - Are you working so early?

- No - She smiled - This time I'm researching...

- And what are you looking for?

- Photos of pregnancy stages... - She looked at Tanner who was with a question mark over his head.

- Why?

- Honey... Don't get angry with me... But there's something bothering me...

- And what is it?

- How long have you and Carol broken up?

- Almost five months...

- She was in early pregnancy, right? Perhaps 8 or 10 weeks of gestation...

- Yeah...

- So if we add these 8 or 10 weeks to five months, we have a pregnancy of seven months... Something likes that...

Samantha showed him a photo of a model with 7 months pregnant. The difference between this picture and Carol was very huge.

- Look at the picture I took of Carol and compare with that...

Samantha showed a picture of a model with 5 months pregnant, and Tanner noticed the similarity between the photo and Carol.

- Sam... - He looked at her in surprise - Do you think that...

- I'm not affirming anything... I just thought odd that her belly is so small for seven months of pregnancy, even Carol being so thin... And I think you should ask for a DNA test first before registering the baby on your behalf...

- But - He looked surprised at her - she should know that I'll find out sooner or later...

- Carol travels a lot for work, just like you... Who can be sure that you'll really know if her pregnancy is 5 or 7 months? You won't be able to follow the stages... Probably you won't be present when the baby is born...

- So if your theory is correct...

- This isn't your son... She miscarried, and got pregnant again about two months after...

- Now I remember that in our conversation on Tuesday she said that dated 2 or 3 guys after me... - He closed his eyes and lowered his head - As I'm stupid...

- Don't say that... She knows you very well, and knows that you're a good man and wouldn't deny a child...

- But why she kept this pregnancy?

- I don't know... Maybe because of another very recent miscarriage... Maybe some risk of life... Maybe she wants you... - Tanner looked at Samantha - Honey, we can speculate and make a thousand of questions, but we'll never know for sure the reasons that led Carol to do that...

Tanner was shocked and not knowing what to say. Samantha took his hand tenderly and caressed his face.

- I'm sorry... - He looked at her and hugged her tight.

- Thank you... - He kissed her forehead lovingly.

- Carol will stay here until the end of the week to another fashion show. I'll talk to her... Woman to woman...

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