Chapter 05 - Challenge

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The days passed with hard work and busy weekends. Samantha was devoting herself body and soul, and had a great feeling of accomplishment. Teryl gave her more responsibilities every day, testing her, and was very pleased with the performance of her assistant.

In the first two months of the year, Samantha took care of the marketing of several athletes sponsored by Rockstar, and all advertising campaigns were a success. But the only athlete who was absent during this period was Tanner. Samantha knew he traveled on vacation to Europe with Carol. What envy! What a jealousy! When you're beautiful as Carol you get a man like him...

- It's not my case - She sighed - What handsome will look at the ugly and dowdy Sam?

For even more complicate her life, she continued seeing Harry sometimes. But every time she was sorry and didn't understand why was doing that. She felt she didn't love him anymore... Maybe the loneliness was covering her eyes and making her feel scared... Fear of being alone...

But she had to admit that every time she was sad, it was enough to look at a picture of Tanner smiling to gladden the heart and her whole day. She opened the drawer and took one of the cute pictures of him on the Top Gear filming, which made him look like a teenager and not a man over 40 years old. She caressed the picture and smiled.

- I cannot fall in love with him... He's famous, has a beautiful girlfriend and can have any woman he wants... What hope do I have? Damn... Why did he have to be so adorable?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the intercom.

- Sam?

- Hi, Janet.

- All rally drivers arrived for the photo shoot.

- Please take them to the studio and tell Clark mount the Chroma key according to what we talked about in the morning. I'm already going there.

- Okay.

Samantha sighed, looked again at Tanner's picture and put it in the drawer.

- It's a shame that you aren't in this group today...

Samantha amused herself a lot with drivers, especially with Bucky Lasek. In the late afternoon, after the end of the photo shoot, she was at her desk reviewing the job. Teryl entered the room with some papers in the hand and watched her assistant carefully.

- Sam?

- Yes, Teryl? - Samantha smiled.

- Please, sit here. I have a very serious and important issue to deal with you.

Samantha walked to the Teryl's table, pulled out the chair and sat down. Teryl continued to watch her carefully, and began to tap on the table, causing a feeling of distress on Samantha.

- Sam... Do you remember that I promised a surprise at the end of these two months if you had a good performance?

- Yeah...

- Well... I liked much of your work, and you managed to charm to all athletes. All of them only want to work with you. And that impressed me.

- Wow...

- So I decided to promote you to Rockstar Marketing Coordinator.

- Are you kidding me?

- Of course not! You deserved the promotion.

- Thank you, Teryl... I don't know what to say...

- But along with the job coming a new responsibility. You'll coordinate three assistants who are being hired to do the function that you do today.

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