12.Text Messages

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Clarity POV

I was up stairs in my room after my dad yelled at me for what seemed like hours. I laid in bed still in the clothes I had on yesterday. They reeked of liquor. The smell was so strong it was giving me a headache. So I rolled out of my bed and walked over to my dresser. I took out a old huge shirt that went down to my knees. I took off my clothes and slid the huge shirt on. I was going to sleep in the shirt and my under wear. I kicked my clothes into the corner and crawled into bed. I plugged in my phone and went to sleep.

Johnny POV

She says there nothing but friends. But I pretty sure the more than just friends. Or will soon be more than friends. Amber sat across from me at the kitchen table. She had her hands wrapped around a cup of coffee. She sipped it.

"What do I do?",I asked.

I mean she a girl, I figured she might have done the same thing. Or understand things I can't.

"Figure it out.",She said.

Well thanks for the help.

"No I mean figure out if she and Joe are a thing. Talk to Steven.",She said.

That's a good idea but won't Steven help Joe out since there practically brothers.

"But Steven might lie to me for Joe.",I pointed out.

"...Then check her phone text messages from Joe or her camera roll if you don't find anything in the text messages.",She said getting up and putting the empty cup of coffee in the sink.

"But wouldn't that be invading her privacy?",I asked.

"Yes,but right now as a concerned dad and after what's she done she doesn't deserve privacy.",Amber said.

She walked over to me and pecked my lips.

"I'm going to bed.",She said and walked off.

I say there and thought about what Amber said. She was right after Clarity's actions she didn't deserve privacy. I got up and walked silently up stairs to Clarity's room. I rested my ear against her door. I heard nothing but very light snoring. I opened her door slowly, only a soft creaking sound happened. I looked over at her she rolled in bed. I walked slowly over to her night stand and picked up the phone. I turned it on...damn it there's a password. Think...1997 her birthday. I typed it in...declined. My birthday 1963, I typed it in declined again.

"Think.",I said out loud.

My head whipped over to Clarity she just moved around.

"Joe.",She whispered.

Was she dreaming about Joe!?

Joe! Joe's birthday. If I type that in and it's right then my case is pretty much solved. I type in 1966...and it let me in. I looked over to my teenage a daughter with all hope lost in my eyes that she wasn't dating Joe.

Wait...who knows other people were born that year like...her uncle.

I went to her text messages and tapped Joe's name.

I read text messages such as.

Joe:Goodnight Clare Bear love you
Clarity:Love you.
Joe:Can you come over?

I skimmed threw them.

Clarity:Well I'm spending my birthday by myself. Unless if you want to come over after the wedding?

I was pissed and scared to see what Joe's answered would be.

Joe:Yes of course sweetheart.

My face was red with anger, I was pissed with her and upset. She lied to me! This makes me think Clarity wasn't even drunk and she just said at the hotel with Joe.

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