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Clarity POV

I was sitting down stairs shoving fried eggs and bacon in my mouth. With my siblings, dad and Amber at the table with me eating there breakfast. The Depps are eating quickly compared to how Amber was eating she was just picking at her eggs, like they are some radioactive shit. Well I couldn't blame her I'd be scared too, I made breakfast and as much as I hate her I would precocious too just incase of poison.

"So are you guys excited Christmas is tomorrow.",My dad said like he was talking to five year olds.

Jack nodded aggressively, then shoved an egg in his mouth.

"Yes.",Lilly said.

My dad looked over at me, I nodded.

"We finally get you back for three days.",My said dad grinning at me.

I glimpsed over at Amber or the soon to be Step Monster...yeah I said monster. She rolled her eyes at Johnny's comment. She hated me, but loved Jack and Lilly. I wouldn't be surprised if I actually got coal from her.

"Clarity don't you think you should get going.",Amber said.

Wow, we finely agree on something for once.

"Yeah,I probably should.", I said sliding out of my chair with my empty plate in my hands.

She smiled at sickly sweet smile at me. She took a bite of her eggs, jokes on her ass I spit on her eggs.

"But it's only 9:30.",Dad said looking at the clock behind me.

"Yeah, but we have work to catch up on.",I smiled remembering last night, our date as I cleaned my plate.

"But you guys worked late last night.",My dad said.

"Yeah I know...but we have two more songs that have to be finished today.",I said.

I lied we were finished,I wrote down the last song after me and Joe's date because that's what inspired it. Amber didn't want me here, and I didn't want Amber here. So I guess this is her Christmas present me not being here...well it beats not getting her anything. I was the only one dressed, which is odd I'm usually the one moping around in my pajamas all day. I grabbed my keys off the key rack, I walked into the living room and grabbed my purse.

"Bye,love you Dad,Lilly, and Jack.",I said and walked out the door to my car.

I opened my corvette's door and slid in, I stuck the keys in the ignition. I pulled out of my drive way and turned on the radio, letting the music blast. When the song started playing, I jammed my foot on the brake. Making me jerk forward, good thing I was still on my street and not a public road. The song played threw out the dream I had last night. The dream was similar to the first one expect me and Joe both were in the water, drowning. I remember the look in his eyes the concern, the worry. It was odd because seconds later me and Joe were chasing each other in the empty dark cold water to the song.


I knocked on his front door, and he opened it. He gave me a warm smile, he opened the door the rest of the way and I walked in. He shut the door and pulled me in for a kiss. Are lips softly brushed against each others and we pulled away.

"I have a surprise for you.",He whispered his warm breath touch my cold skin.

He grabbed my hand, are fingers laced together. He lead me down the hall to the living room, were there was a guitar on a stand...and it wasn't his guitar. It was a orangish brown, les paul guitar...What just cause I don't play doesn't mean I don't know my guitars.

"Merry Christmas.",He said with a crooked smile.

I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, and pecked his lips.

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