8.What The Hell...

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AN:So just to make it clear Joe is 49. Okay you may proceed...wait please tell me I'm not the only one who can't say No More without singing No More No More...


I woke up with Clare by my side, and might I say literally best feeling ever. Her head rested on bare chest, she was nuzzled up against. My arm was wrapped around her. My arm was asleep because she was laying on it for part of the night. I lifted the arm that wasn't numb and asleep and pushed the strands of hair that fell in her face, and kissed her forehead. I pulled away resting my head on the pillow looking down at her perfect face. I watched her chocolate brown eye fluttered open. I smiled at her, she smiled a warm smile back. She lifted her head and kissed my shoulder. Damn, I want to wake up like this every morning. With Clare by my side. We laid there for a few seconds, I was fine laying here for the day...or forever. I think she was fine with it too.

"I'm gonna make breakfast while you get dressed.",She whispered and pecked my lips.

She slid out off bed and put on some clothes she found off the ground. Which were pajama shorts and a black spaghetti strap shirt.

I got out of bed and put on my the white shirt that went with my tux and the pants. I walked down stairs to the smell of eggs and bacon. Clare stood at the stove frying eyes. She glance behind her and saw me on the staircase. She smiled at me, and turned back round and went back to making breakfast. I stepped down from the last step and made my way to the kitchen. I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her small body. She stopped messing with the food and bent her head back and look up at me. I pecked her lips.

"I love you.",I whispered.

"I love you most.",She said mocking me by what I said last night. She biting her bottom lip.

She catches on quickly can't use that one anymore.

She turned around and rested her hands on my chest. She stood up on her tippy toes and kissed me, I leaned down a little so she wouldn't have to be on her toes to kiss me. I grabbed her waist and sat her down on the counter, her hands gripped my black hair and she pulled me closer to her. Her legs wrapped around my waist. My hands were still on her waist, as we kissed. Damn she was a really good kisser.

"Damn didn't the two of you have a enough of each other last night.",A males voice said.

Fuck you, Steven Victor Tallarico. He was my brother and like brother you don't have to like him but you have to love him no matter what they fucking do. Weather it's stealing your girlfriend,groupie(when we were younger),your food, or what ever.

Me and Clare whipped our heads towards Steven's Direction. I glance from Steven down to Clare her face was red from embarrassment. The only reason why my face isn't red as tomato is because I have dealt with him longer and his constant remarks.

Steven walked over to the table and took a seat. He was facing us to see what we were gonna do next. Clare got down off the counter and went back to making breakfast. Once she finish she made two places. I grabbed one plate and sat down across from Steven. She handed a plate to Steven.

"I'm gonna get ready for the day.",Clare said softly.

She walked out of the kitchen, then ran up the stairs.

"I was gonna tell you guys to quite it down but you seemed to be having a hell of a time.",Steven said shoving an egg in his mouth.

You could here the shower running from down here.

"You do know when Johnny finds out you fucked his daughter. He's gonna kill you.",Steven said.

"Well, thanks for ruining a nice and peaceful morning. And I know Johnny's going to kill me, but It wasn't on my mind at the moment...so thanks for the reminder.",I said the last part sarcastically.

"Your welcome.",He said like meant it, but only did it to piss me off.

"So is this like a one night-",Steven asked.

"Steven, I'm over that part of my life. I was young and all I wanted was lust...now I kind of want to just settle down.",I said setting my fork down on the plate.

"Marry her!?",He asked shocked almost sipping his fried eggs out of his mouth,"Because last you settled down it end horribly. The band broke up."

He was talking about Elyssa. My ex-wife.

I put my hand on my forehead.

"No...mean just date her, and trust me. She's nothing like Elyssa.",I said.

"How would you know if she's like Elyssa, you didn't know that Elyssa was a bitch till after the band broke up.",He said.

"Yeah, I figure it out after which means I know what to look for now.",I said.

He looked at me for second.

He didn't like the fact that I wrote songs with Clare, so I think that's the reason for him thinking Clare's like Elyssa.

"Listen...I'm not quitting Aerosmith. I just wrote a few songs with her.",I said.

He nodded and he looked relieved, So I was right he was worried about loosing me...aww.

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