2.Run Run...Joe?

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I was in living room with Steven, he was talking to Amber Johnny's soon to be wife on New Years. Amber was nice and good looking I could see why Johnny picked her.

"Nice talking to you guys but I got to go and speak with Johnny.",She smiles and walked off.

Steven kept on glance over a the grand piano Johnny had. I could see it in his eyes, the desire to play the piano.

"God ain't she a beauty?",Steven said. "I didn't know Johnny played."

"Neither did I maybe Jack or Lilly plays.",I said.

"Maybe,Joe...you mind doing me a favor.",Steven asked still staring at the shiny black grand piano.

"What?",I asked knowing what ever was going to ask me to do was most likely get me in trouble.

"Turn off the radio, Steven Tallarico is gonna play piano.",Steven said walking over to the piano and taking a seat.

I walked over to the radio and press a button and it turn off. Right then Steve play Run Run Rudolph. Everybody started gathering in the living room to listen to Steven play piano. And since I heard him play piano for half my life, I decided to use this time while everyone's in the living room to go get a drink in the kitchen. So I walked into the kitchen and apparently I wasn't the only with the idea to get a drink while the crowd was gone. There was a young woman in her late teens or early twenties. She wore a wine colored dress that was skin tight till it got down to her waist then it ruffle out and the dressed stopped at her knees. Her figure was perfect...curves in all the right places, her straight chocolate brown hair fell half way down her back. She was sipping a glass of wine. I walked over and got me a glass of whine.

"Nice party uh?",I asked.

That was stupid Nice party uh, god.

"Mhmm.",She said taking the glass down from her mouth.

I took a sip of wine.

"So what's your name?",I asked.

"Clarity.",She said.

"Pretty name.",I said out loud by accident. "Mines Joe.",I add quickly hoping she didn't hear me.

"Thank you.",She smiled.

Damn...her smile was just perfect. Her full lips, white and straight teeth...just damn.


We talked for nearly two hours. I learned that she's an actress and rising musician. In fact I have seen a lot of her movies. Such as Keep it Up Kelly Cooper, Lone Ranger, Blood Rush and Killer Instinct. That's just a few of the movies of hers. Most of her movies were comedies and Action and a few romance.

We were both laughing over one of her story's on set of Killer Instinct. How she smacked a guy in the face and thought he was a tree, because she was were red contacts and you have no vision, so she kept on running into things.

"Joe I see you have met Clarity.",I heard Johnny say.

It wasn't till looked at Johnny then back at Clarity I realized how close we were to each other. So close you could think we were getting ready to kiss.

"Yeah.",I said.

"Dad where have you been?",Clarity asked.

Wait, Dad... Clarity was the daughter I haven't met Johnny was talking about...shit there goes any hope of us actually kissing tonight down the fucking drain.

"Talking to Amber in the dinning room...What are you doing?",He asked making it sound like we were doing something we weren't suppose to.

"Talking to Joe.",She said looking up at me, smiling.

"Okay well...I just I could tell you that surprise I have been keeping from you,now.",Johnny said.

She looked over at Johnny.

"Well you know how your agent has been trying to get you someone to do a duet with...well it's Joe.",Johnny said pointing over to me.

So this was the Clarity I was doing the duet with...I fine with that now.

"That's awesome...Joe seems like an awesome guy to work with.",She said.

"Clarity go get your sister and brother.",Johnny said smiling.

She nodded. "Bye Joe.",She said and walked out of the kitchen.

Johnny walked over to me. His face got serious, very serious.

"Did you do anything with my daughter?",He asked threw his gritted teeth.

"No.",I said.

"Are you sure cause you were standing pretty close to her, and I haven't seen her like that since her last...boyfriend,Seth.",Johnny said.

She's acting the way she did around her ex-boyfriend...I guess I giving off a pretty good first expression.

"No, we were only talking I swear...I don't even like her that way.",I said lying about the last part.

"Good.",Johnny said.

Something told me Johnny liked me as a friend ,not a son in law.

Clarity POV

Maybe Joe was that something exciting about to happen in my life that I have been waiting for, and man have I been waiting for awhile.

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