5.Orion's Belt

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I texted Clarity as I walked out my front door to my truck. The sun was setting.

Tell your dad that I will drop and your staying late because of songwriting. And sorry for picking you up late, I have been working on something.

Not even I second later she texted back.

Okay, seen you soon.

I got into my truck and drove off to her house.


Once I arrived I sat in my car and honked the horn so she'd know I was here. She ran out the door to my truck. She open my truck's door and slid into the passenger seat and shut the door. She look back at the front door of her house, I guessing to see if her father was there. She turned to me and pecked my lips. I was about to pull her into a deeper kiss, but she pulled away.

"That's all?",I say smiling.

"That's all now if you want more later, because if dad walks out and sees us kissing there will be no later.",She said getting comfortable in the car seat and buckled up.

I laugh a little.

"Okay...so since we have nothing better to do besides write songs.",I said. She and I both smiled, "I figure we could go on a date.",I said driving away from here house.


We pulled into the green forest, leaving everyone and everything behind us. It was now dark out side and you could see the stars twinkle.

"What are we doing.",She asked a smile on her face you looked out the front wind at the sky sprinkled with stars.

"You'll see.",I said.

I stopped the truck parking it in the field of green lush grass, cover with flowers, and surround by the woods. A creek only 20-30 yard from my car, cut threw the opened field. I got out of my truck and walked over to her door opening it for her. She was to busy staring at the breath taking sky to realize we stopped. She looked at me and smiled. She unbuckled and hopped out of the car, I shut the door for her. I grabbed her hand lead her to the back of the truck. I opened the trunk to show a blanket covering the floor of the trunk, pillows around the corners. And a small blue cooler behind a pillow on the side. I grabbed her hips and lift her up and sat her on the truck, I crawl up there. I went to cooler and took out two beers, I shut the white plastic lid. I opened the beer bottle and handed it to her. And I laid down next to her and stared up at the sky with her.

"It's beautiful...",She breathed.

I smiled.

"I came up here to hike once. I thought it was just amazing how breath taking it was.",I said and sipped the beer.

"You know that right there.",She said pointing to the sky. "Is Orion's belt."

And it went on from there is pointing out stars.

I sat my empty beer bottle of the of the truck so it would be out of my way.

I turned to her "You know your father would kill me right now.",I said.

She sat her beer down on the rim of the truck. "Why because we're going out?",She asked turning over to face me, she rested her head in her hand.

We only had inches between us.

"That too...but mostly cause of this.",I said.

I placed my hand on her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. Are lips crashed together, she rested her small soft hands on my chest. She gripped my white v-neck shirt. I slid off my leather jacket and pulled her on top of me. She slid her legs under my legs, locking them together. I ran my hands down her body to her waist. I traced my tongue bottom lip asking for entrance again, access granted because there was no Johnny this time to ruin the moment. I moved one hand and started to fiddle with the button of her skinny jeans. She pulled way and sat up, but see was still top off me. She pushed her chocolate brown hair out off her face. I rested on my elbows.

"Joe not tonight.",She said putting hands back down on my chest.

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