7.The Wedding

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Clarity POV

Jack woke up at 5:30 am which means he was screaming at me to get up while jumping on my bed at 5:31. It happens every Christmas morning...I really need to put a lock on my damn door.
I slid groggily out of bed, and moped down stairs. Jack raced past me, Lilly walked past me. Damn Jack was like flash, he and Lilly sat in front of the tree. Dad and the soon to be step monster(yeah I'm never gonna get tired of that name) sat on the couch. We all opened up presents I see now why dad was like 'Really' about the guitar Joe got me, because he got me that. I got clothes and other things.

-6 days later-

It was New Years Eve, the day of my dad wedding. Worse of all the after party is going on during my birthday. I was born at midnight exact not second before or a second after. So I was born January 1st at 12:00 am. Way to ago dad and Amber for stealing my spotlight. They won't even be able to celebrate with me after the after party, because it's straight off to there honey moon and brother and sister are going to Europe to see mom. I choose not to go since at midnight I would be 18 and that makes me a legal adult. So I'm staying at home all by myself...unless if Joe would want to come over and celebrate New Years and my Birthday with me. The wedding was going to start in less than 10 minutes. I was a brides maid (dads choice not Ambers), Lilly was a over sized flower girl, and Jack was the ring bearer. I wasn't back there helping Amber get ready (psh...I not gonna do everything for her) I was out front mingling with people and by people I mean Joe...and Steven.

"So are your excited for the wedding?",Steven asked.

"Yes.",I lied.


I was at home with Joe, we just arrived. He was still in his tux and me in my champagne colored dress that was above my knees by an inch or two. We walked to the kitchen, I saw a cupcake on the table and a pink candle next to it with the lighter and a note.

I walked over to the dinning room table and picked up the note. I unfolded it.

Happy Birthday BabyDoll love you.
-love, dad

I folded it back up and sat the note down on the table. Joe picked up the candle and stuck it in the cupcake and lit it. I looked at the cupcake for a second before I blew out the candle. I shut my eye tightly and blew out the candle, making a wish hoping it would come true like I was five again.

"What did you wish for.",He asked kissing the top of my head.

"To be alone...looks like we finely have that for once.",I said softly.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head again.

"Happy birthday sweetheart.",He said his lips still against the top of my head.

I took the cupcake and broke it in half, I took a seat and handed one half to Joe. He took a seat next to me. We ate the cupcake. It was good and rich...very sweet though.

"Clare.",He said smiling crookedly.

I loved his crooked smile, it was my favorite smile in the world.

"Yes.",I said smiling.

"You have some icing on your lip.",He said.

My cheeks turned a soft pink, he leaned forward and kissed me removing the vanilla icing from my bottom lip. My lips curved into smile as we kissed, so did his.

"Perhaps we should take this upstairs to my room.",I suggested my lips still against his

I felt his lips curve into a smile even more.

"Perhaps we should.",He said.

We pulled away from the kiss, we stood up are hands locking together. Then I lead him up stairs to my room. His hands moved to my waist, once we were off the staircase. He leaned down and brushed his lips again mine.

"I love you.",He said.

"I love you more.",I said back pecking his lips.

"I love you most.",He said before brushing his lip against mine.

We pulled away, and walked to my room his hand secure on my hips. I opened my door to see Lilly and Jack in my room, Joe hands fell from my hips. Jack was wearing my bra on the out side of his shirt, while he read out loud my journal.

"I was drowning, a burning sensation spread threw my body. Like acid was poorer in my veins.",He said while Lilly dug threw my drawers.

"You little twerps.",I hissed.

I jumped on my bed grabbing my journal from Jack.

"What the hell?!",I said to them," Why are you in my room?!"

Lilly shut my drawer and looked at Joe then to me. Joe stood there silently with his arms crossed.

"Swear jar.",Jack said.

"More importantly why is Joe in your room?",Lilly asked, I swear I'm not going to be able to control myself and I'm going to choke that little fucker.

"Out.",I hissed pointing at my door.

"We will when you tell us why Joe is here.",Lilly said crossing her arms.

"Songwriting.",I lied

"You finished last week.",Lilly popped her hip to the side, her arms crossed.

"Yeah but there's a song we haven't gotten to in the studio, we decide to work on cause it wasn't the best.",I said.

Lilly stepped from my dresser and walked towards Joe. She stopped right in front of him, he towered over her of course which probably pissed her off.

"Is that true Joe?",She said not believing a word I said.

Joe nodded.

Lilly whipped her head my direction.

"Why are you up here? Can't you do your work down stairs.",Lilly said.

I reached across my bed and grabbed my song book.

"For this it as the song.",I said holding up the book,"Now get out of my room."

Lilly walked out, Jack stood up off my bed.

"Jack give me my bra.",I said with my hand out.

He took off bra and handed it to me. I sat it down on the bed. Jack started to make his way out of my room.

"Jack...why are you guys here, you should be at the airport.",I said.

"The driver hasn't came to pick us up yet.",Jack said.

When there was a honk of a horn.

"Jack the drivers here!",Lilly yelled.

Jack ran out of my room, me and Joe followed him down stairs. I walked Jack to the front door.

"Tell mom I said Hi.",I said to Jack.

He nodded and walked off to the car Lilly was already in. Once he was in and the car drove off . I shut the door and locked it.

"Now we're alone.",I said.

"Are sure? Who knows your aunt and uncle could be in the guest room right now.",He said jokingly.

I punched his shoulder playfully. We made are way up stairs to my room, we messed round going up the stairs we stopped and kissed after about every two steps.

Once we were in my room I pushed him down on my bed. Are kiss getting more passionate by the second...no it was no longer passionate now there was a huge chunk of lust thrown in our kiss. After awhile his shirt and jacket were gone for...and my dress was somewhere in my room on the floor. And what happened after that...I can't tell you of course, that's only for me and Joe to know.

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