Wedding Bells and Graduation Caps

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Thanks for everyone who's faved it, reviewed it or read it! Much appreciated.

Things I own: all of Eric Whitacre's music on my iPod (man is GENIUS!), a messy apartment because my landlord decided to choose the middle of the winter to do a random fire inspection in the storerooms, and cramps (TMI, I know).

Things I don't own: Twilight and all characters associated with it. They belong to the esteemed Stephenie Meyers

This is it, folks. The FINAL's been a long journey, tumultuous, exciting and nerve-wracking. I'm really sad to say that it's the last chapter. And there will not be a sequel. Maybe futuretakes, but no sequel. We have this chapter and then the epilogue. See you at the end, kids.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Wedding Bells and Graduation Caps

"Where are you going again?" I asked.

"Final fitting for my dress, Whip. Alice is insistent on making it perfect. Thank you, by the way, for the little tidbit of information about her being married. It made controlling her and reining her in for our wedding very easy. She hasn't pushed at all since I ambushed her," Bella giggled. "How did you know?"

"I heard them talking while I was 'sleeping' in the hospital," I smirked. "I wonder why they kept it a secret?"

"Jasper's parents don't approve of Alice. She's, loose," Bella explained. "They wanted Jasper to marry some uptight Texas virgin who likes missionary with the lights off."

"Um, have they met their son? Jasper is quite the hornball," I snickered.

"He and Alice are really into some kinky shit," Bella sighed. "BDSM, anal, fire play...weird stuff."

"Don't knock anal, Bella. It's intense," I said with a waggle of my brows. Her mouth dropped as she pointed to me. "A few times. During my dark era." That's what we called my time where I sold myself to get drugs. Bella's dark era was after she was raped.

"You used a condom, right?"

"Bella, you're the only woman I've been with, without a condom," I reiterated. "But, it's way intimate. Too intimate for what I did."

"You were desperate, Whip," Bella frowned. "I get that. Hell, I sold my car, clothes and was this close to selling my body for my next fix. Anyhow, we're past that. Back to anal...can we try it?"

"We'll have to work up to it since you're an anal virgin," I smirked. "But, fuck yeah."

Bella blushed and she kissed deeply, hugging her arms around my neck. Then her cinnamon eyes took on a wicked gleam. "What else did you hear?" Bella squeaked.

"That's the only piece of juicy gossip I heard," I said, a crooked smile playing on my face.

"Why do I not believe you?" Bella asked dryly. I winked at her which garnered a dramatic eye roll. "I'm going. Finish your paper for adolescent psychology, Whip or I will kick your ass. Maybe I'll borrow Jasper flogger."

"Yes, dear," I said flatly. Smack! "Such abuse. At least you whacked my head. You messed up my hair."

"Edward, your hair is always messed up. It's like you stuck your finger in an electric socket," she giggled. "Later, Whip. Love you."

"Love you, too, Mrs. Cullen," I snickered. She groaned as she ran out of our kitchen. I chuckled as I continued writing my adolescent psychology paper. I had an hour before I needed to meet the guys at a recommended suit maker by Alice for our attire for the wedding. We were wearing light gray suits with vests and white shirts. However, on our feet, we were going to wear purple or burgundy Converse shoes. Our wedding was going to be a light-hearted, fun affair. No stuffiness. I knew that Bella's dress was going to be slinky and sexy. So where the bridesmaid's dresses.

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