They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab ...

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Thanks for everyone who's faved it, reviewed it or read it! Much appreciated.

Things I own: a sinus infection, huge horse pills for said sinus infection, and a shitload of Ricola cough drops (I hate being sick...meh)

Things I don't own: Twilight and all characters associated with it. They belong to the esteemed Stephenie Meyers

Chapter 13: They Tried To Make Me Go to Rehab...

I woke up early the next morning. Bella was wrapped in my arms, holding onto my waist with an iron grip. Her legs were tangled with mine. On her face was a tiny smile. I kissed her forehead and got out of the bed. When I left, her brows furrowed. "I'll be right back, love." She sighed and nestled back into the pillows. I swiped my phone from my pocket of my jacket and went into the bathroom. I dialed Emmett.

"Cullen, this better be good. It's six in the morning," Emmett grumbled.

"It is good. I found Bella," I whispered.

"You did? Is she okay?" Emmett asked.

"She's...a mess," I answered honestly. "I need to take today off and get her situated into an outpatient rehab facility."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you need to do," Emmett replied.

"Dude, she's worried about her job," I said as I drew my lip into my teeth. "Is she still...?"

"She's got a job, Edward," Emmett said. "As soon as she's ready, her station is there for her."

"Thanks, Em," I smiled. "I should be back tomorrow. But I'll let you know."

"Sure thing, Eddie. Give Bella my love," Emmett said. "I'm glad you found her."

"Me too. Oh, you can tell Alice, but Bella's not ready to see her," I said with a grimace. "You know how excitable the midget is."

"This is true. I'll let her know and hopefully she'll respect Bella's wishes."

"Thanks. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Eddie."

"Don't call me Eddie."

Emmett guffawed as I hung up the phone. I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I padded through my apartment and went to my closet. I was about to drop my towel when a pair of warm hands wrapped around my waist and soft skin pressed to my back, kissing Leo's nose. Leo, my fucked up lion. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Bella answered as she giggled lightly.

"We need to take things slowly, Bella. Yesterday I found you in a seedy hotel about to off yourself," I said.

Bella huffed and released her arms from my body. Great, I pissed her off. But she needs to worry about herself. "You don't need to be a dick about it."

"I'm not being a dick. I'm just stating the facts," I said as I turned around, crossing my arms over my chest. "Bella, I've been where you are at. I've been at the lowest of the low. I'm a recovering addict. Like I said, I wanted so badly to do a line in your hotel room, but I wasn't about to blow a year of sobriety for that."

"I don't know much about all of this, but will you help me?" Bella asked in a meek voice, her hands wringing nervously. "Like be my sponsor or something?"

"I can't be your sponsor. I'm too attached to you. However, I will support you in every way possible," I said as I caressed her cheek. She leaned into my touch and sighed. "Why don't you shower, love? I'll get us some breakfast."

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