Danger in our Midst

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Thanks for everyone who's faved it, reviewed it or read it! Much appreciated.

Things I own: a dog that uses my apartment as her personal toilet, snotty middle schoolers, and bad attitude.

Things I don't own: Twilight and all characters associated with it. They belong to the esteemed Stephenie Meyers

Chapter Twenty-Five: Danger in our Midst

The drive back to Seattle was quiet. I was still in my Zen state. Bella was just tired. She dozed off as soon as I got onto the highway. We stopped halfway to get some lunch but managed to get back to Seattle in good time. We pulled up to the house and went inside. We were working side by side to make dinner and do the laundry. As we were working my cell phone rang from my pocket.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Mr. Cullen? It's Peter, your landlord," he said nervously. "Um, there's no easy to say this, but our apartment complex has been burned to the ground and it started in your apartment..."

There goes my sense of peace.

"Nothing was salvaged?" I asked. Not that I cared about the damn apartment. In there, I just had second-hand furniture. Everything of value was with me at the house in Bellevue.

"No, I'm sorry."

"Did the cops say anything about it being deliberate or accidental?" I asked, leaning against the counter in the kitchen.

"There was an accelerant used. It was intentional. Arson," Peter replied. "I was calling to ask if you wanted to file a claim with your renters insurance?"

"No, but I'd like to speak with the investigating police officers," I grumbled, rubbing my face with my hand.

"They should be on their way to you, now," Peter responded. "Whoever started this wanted to send you a message."

"Damn right, Peter. Thanks," I sighed heavily. I hung up the phone, turning to Bella who was sautéing vegetables for a stir fry. "My apartment burnt down."

"What?" she shrieked.

"The cops think it was arson," I growled.

"James. He's getting closer," Bella whimpered. Her knees buckled. I ran to her and scooped her up, placing her on the island of the kitchen. Turning off the veggies, I hugged her to my chest. Bella's sobs filled our home. I held her as she broke down. James needed to go the fuck away. Asstard. "Why can't he just go away?"

"I know, love," I soothed. Bella's hands clutched at my shirt as she sobbed against my shoulder. "I wish I could take you away and never come back."

"Someplace tropical sounds nice," she mumbled, playing with my hair. "Edward, I'm scared. He's gone after me. Now he's after you. You're not safe."

"Bella, I'm stronger than I look," I said, pulling away, looking into her cinnamon eyes. Bella pursed her lips. "I'd do anything for you, love. Even die for you..."

"No, you won't," she spat. "I've finally found the one person that I want to be with and you're not going away." She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head petulantly. "If you die, I die. Simple as that." She wrapped her arms and legs around me, pulling me to her warm body. "I can't lose you, Whip."

"I can't lose you, either, Bella," I murmured into her skin, gently kissing her 'E' tattoo. We were pulled from our little bubble by a loud buzz from the telephone. We jumped apart. Sullenly walking to the phone, I picked it up. The police were here and the front gate was informing me that they were here. I allowed them entry into the subdivision and waited in the foyer. Bella stood with me, gripping my hand tightly. The police officers arrived and asked us both a few questions. I was surprised that the investigating officer didn't have any knowledge of the restraining order on James and Victoria.

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