Pain, Recovery and New Beginnings

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Thanks for everyone who's faved it, reviewed it or read it! Much appreciated.

Things I own: a brand new digital piano, a Honda Pilot (paid it off last week! WOO HOO!) and unhealthy addiction to Yankee Candle

Things I don't own: Twilight and all characters associated with it. They belong to the esteemed Stephenie Meyers

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Pain, Recovery and New Beginnings


Why can't I move? I feel like a weight is being pressed to my chest. A weight sharp, thorny spikes imbedded in my lungs. Fuck that hurts! I tried to swallow, but couldn't do so. There was something in my throat. I feel so weird. Dazed, foggy, distant...

"'s Dr. Carter...lessen the sedatives. You're trying to breathe on your own...a few days, okay?" came a hazy voice.

Sedatives? Breathing on my own? I'm so confused.

I heard some rustling and some of the fog on my brain lifted. I could hear more. I heard Garrett's voice. "Hey, punk. You gave us quite the scare. The doctors informed us that you're getting better. You're going to be in pain, but shit, I'd rather you be in pain and alive then six feet under. Bella's been crazy with worry. Hasn't left since Christmas Eve. Well, she left today. Esme forced her."

"Garrett, she hasn't been sleeping properly and don't get me started on her hygiene," Kate grumbled. "I have no idea what she sees in this buffoon..."

"Katherine," Garrett growled.

"Edward knows I love him," she said as she kissed my forehead. "But you are a buffoon. Ask to see a damn badge, moron."

Yes, ma'am. I breathed deeply, causing immense pain to travel through my left side. Don't do that.

"Besides, Edward. You need to get better so you can be the godfather to our baby," she murmured in my ear. "Uncle Eddie has a nice ring to it, yeah?"

Don't. Call. Me. Eddie.

I heard wailing. My heart rate raced. I could hear the beeping in my ear. Garrett and Kate were whispering. I couldn't hear them over the beeping. "Bella's back, Edward," Garrett explained. "Something's happened." My heart rate continued to increase. "Relax, Edward. She's fine. Obviously, she's upset but she's been through the ringer."

My Bella. I'm trying, love. I want to open my eyes. I want to hold you. I want to love you...fuck!

"I'm not saying that to make you upset, Edward. I'm sorry. She needs you back, man. The way she looks at you. It's like you're her savior. In a way, you are. But, she is also yours. I can't wait until I see you two walk down the aisle."

As soon as I am able to move under my own power, we're getting married. Hell, I'd drag a judge into my damn hospital room...Or the chaplain that came in earlier this week...Father Gregory?

"I'm going to go, Edward. We'll be back next weekend. I love you, man. Get better. Don't let the pain overwhelm you," Garrett said as he kissed my forehead. "Be strong, Cullen."

I was left in the room, alone for a few moments. I was freaking out. Ever since I was brought in, I had someone with me. The quiet whirring of the machines didn't provide me any solace or companionship. I was so used to hearing my mom or Bella talking to me, reading to me, watching television. There was an ache in my heart. Soon, the ache went away. I heard a quiet sigh and soft foot-falls. Soft, tiny hands brushed hair from my forehead and kissed my temple. Bella...

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