Two Months Ago

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The response to this story is a bit surprising. I'm looking forward to having Edward grow as a person and the relationship with Bella develop. Thanks for everyone who's faved it, reviewed it or read it! Much appreciated.

Things I own: a nest of birds in my dryer vent, two sets of china and Kitchenaid mixmaster.

Things I don't own: Twilight and all characters associated with it. They belong to the esteemed Stephenie Meyers

Chapter 6: Two Months Ago

"Everyone, this is Rosalie Hale. She's going to take James' spot in the shop. She just moved here from Chicago," Emmett said to everyone in the shop. "She specializes in portraits, color portraits and tribal ink. Rosalie, this is Angela, Edward, Alec and Bella."

"Nice to meet all of you," Rosalie said with a smirk. Her voice was husky and it matched her body. Smoking hot. "Everyone calls me Rose. I'm looking forward to get to know all of you."

"Come on, Rose. You need to fill out some paperwork," Emmett said with a grin. "Whip, can you handle my 2:00 appointment? Also, if you could have Alec order some more gloves and paper towels."

"Sure, Em," I said as I continued sketching. I turned to the new shop manager, Alec, and walked him through the ordering process. Alec was actually quite dumb. He screwed more orders than not. He lost paperwork. It was sad. Emmett hired him when he said that I was going to be a tattoo artist full time. I was still an apprentice, but my shop manager duties would no longer be needed after I trained the newbie. I trained him for two weeks and he still didn't understand. I still had to go back and re-do everything that Alec tried to do on his own.

The door opened and Alice skipped into the shop. "Hey kids!" she chirped.

"Alice, you are too fucking happy," Bella said from her station. "Why? Were you dropped on the head as a baby?"

"Nope, just a naturally cheery disposition. You might want to try it, Bella. You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar," Alice chided.

"Whatever, Midget," Bella said, rolling her eyes. "So, why are you here? Is Whip going to ink you again?"

"Eventually. I have something I want to get for Jasper, but we'll discuss that later. Anyhow, I wanted to plan my birthday," Alice said as she sat at my station. "Pepper's is having an open mic night on Friday and I want everyone to come!"

"Me too?" Alec asked.

"Why not," Alice shrugged. "You're part of our crazy, dysfunctional family."

"We put the fun in dysfunctional," I snorted. "We also got a new tattoo artist. Her name is Rosalie."

"Oh," Alice said, her eyes widening with glee. "Perhaps she likes to shop. Unlike this one." Alice took a towel and tossed at Bella. "She wears the same damn thing over and over again."

"I do not, Midget. I just by the same thing in multiples," Bella snapped. "Not everyone is a fashion plate like you."

"Whip has more style than you, Bells," Alice chided. "That says a lot."

"Fuck you, Midget. I'm going for a smoke before I kill my roommate," Bella said as she got her cigarettes from her bag. "Don't burn down the shop."

"So back to my birthday," Alice said. "Pepper's is having an open mic night. It'll be a lot of fun. AND Bella said that you play the guitar. You and Jasper can jam." Alice looked at me with puppy dog eyes, her lower lip jutting out.

"Alice, I haven't picked up a guitar in nearly a year. Probably even longer," I said. "I don't even have a guitar."

"Problem solved," she said as she hopped off the counter. She darted outside and returned with a guitar case. "A gift."

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