Living Hell

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Thanks for everyone who's faved it, reviewed it or read it! Much appreciated.

Things I own: some Nyquil, a Monet umbrella, and lots of empty boxes.

Things I don't own: Twilight and all characters associated with it. They belong to the esteemed Stephenie Meyers

Chapter 10: Living Hell

We pulled up to Virginia Mason. Embry and Quil unloaded Bella from the ambulance and we went into a trauma room. A nurse pushed me out of the way and I stares as they removed all of Bella's clothes, putting them into an evidence bag. As I stood there watching Bella get poked and prodded by the nurses and residents, I heard another voice.

Behind me is the voice I'd never thought I'd hear again. "Hello, I'm Dr. Cullen. Are you family?" he asked.

I turn around and see the piercing green eyes of my father.

"I'm not family. I'm her boyfriend," I said coldly.

Carlisle blinked a few times, trying to process what he was seeing. His son who he threw out ten years ago. His son who he disowned. His son who's girlfriend was brutally raped and attacked. "If you're not family, you need to leave."

"She doesn't have family. I'm all she's got," I snapped.

"Just stay out of the way," Carlisle said curtly. He turned and began working on Bella. I stood off in the corner, nibbling on my fingernail.

Carlisle spoke in hushed tones to a nurse who looked at me. She grabbed something from the supply closet and approached me. "I need a DNA sample from you," she said.


"To rule you out as a suspect in her sexual assault," the nurse said in an impatient tone.

"We haven't been together like that," I said.

"Give her the damn sample, Edward," Carlisle spat as he sutured Bella's cheek. The nurse grabbed my chin and scraped the inside of my cheek. She glared at me as she put the swab in a plastic container. "You need to leave. I have perform a rape exam."

"I'm not going anywhere," I growled.

"Do I need to call security?" Carlisle hissed. I blew out a breath and left the trauma room, shooting daggers at my father as I left. I walked out to the waiting area and was met with Alice, Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie.

"How is she?" Alice asked solemnly.

"I don't know. Her face was cut up, her wrist is broken and he brutalized her," I said. I looked at the floor, my heart pounding in my chest. "He fucking ruined her." I fell to my knees and felt the tears fall down my cheeks. Alice crawled onto the ground and hugged me tightly. I sobbed against her shoulder, gripping her waist. My friends huddled around me and Alice, embracing and crying. I eventually wiped my tears away and stood up. I was feeling extraordinarily claustrophobic.

"Family for Bella Swan?" asked a young nurse.

"That's us," Alice chirped.

"If you could come with me into the conference room. Dr. Cullen would like to discuss Ms. Swan's injuries," she said with a frown. We all walked in a sad procession to the conference room. It was impersonal. Clean. Sterile. "Dr. Cullen will be with you in a little bit."

"Dr. Cullen?" Rose asked.

"Irony of all ironies, my father is Bella's doctor," I sneered as I curled up in a chair. Alice laced her fingers through mine and she sat on my lap, after she patted my legs down. Her spiky head rested on my shoulder and I let her comfort me. Jasper sat next to me and gave me a smile.

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