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Destine was so annoyed for no reason.

She just got home from her lunch with some of her highschool classmates. Nothing much really happened that could've affected her mood. The lunch was great, they were happy, laughing and catching up. But Destine doesn't know why she's suddenly so annoyed at everything.

She threw the last piece of trash she saw and sat on their sofa. She glanced at their wall clock. What was taking Clarendon so long to get back home?

After about an hour, Clarendon finally arrived, with a box of donuts in his hand.

“Hey, sorry, got caught up with the boys” he smiled and kissed her head, “But I bought donuts!”

Destine heaved a sigh and closed her eyes as she leaned her head on his chest.

“Hey, what's wrong?” he asked worriedly.

Destine shook her head.

“I don't know...bigla na lang ako naiinis, but it's a good thing you're here” she whispered. Clarendon smiled and kissed her hair.

“Donuts?” he asked after a few seconds and Destine looked up to him and smiled.


Destine once told Clarendon that she loves how he smells. And so Clarendon made sure to buy tons of his cologne just to have her sniffing him every now and then. Destine isn't the touchiest person on Earth, but there are moments where she would snuggle with him and Clarendon loves it.

However, something is strange.

He just got home from his family's house. Both of them aren't working yet, kind of giving their selves some time to chill out before working. He saw Destine inside their kitchen, cooking their favorite pasta dish. He walked towards her and kissed her hair.

“Hey” he greeted.

Destine turned off the stove and fought a grimace.

“Ang baho mo!”

Clarendon's brows furrowed.


Destine scrunched her nose and pushed him away, “Iyan pabango mo! It smells bad!”

Clarendon smelled himself. It's the same cologne he's been using for months already.

“Maligo ka, tapos 'wag ka magpabango! Baka kumapit sa sheets yung amoy” she said, leaving him in their kitchen.


Destine is a week late for her period.

She tried to formulate some excuses on her head. But every excuses she has doesn't make sense. She was... scared.

She and Clarendon had talked about their plans. Clarendon was open to having a child of his own but is not entirely ecstatic about the idea. Destine never saw herself carrying a child on her womb. She knows she isn't cut out to be a mother, and Clarendon respected that. They're both focus on themselves and their career path.

And so the possibility of her being pregnant is scary...because she doesn't know how to handle it.

Destine had bought three pregnancy test kits. Clarendon is still sleeping while she's out here, panicking while waiting for the results.

After a few seconds, she placed the kits on their sink, her hands trembling.

She stood there, frozen on her spot. Seconds later, the door opened revealing Clarendon.

“I thought you left” he said and was about to hug her when Destine grabbed his hand.

“Love...” she called, her voice barely audible.

“What's wrong?” he asked worriedly. Destine looked up to him.

“I'm pregnant” she said and Clarendon's lips parted. His eyes caught the kits on their sink, all of them had two red lines.

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