Stage Ten Part IV

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I open my eyes and see Hector's crying face. I feel his hands on my shoulders and Pandora in the corner of my eye, also crying. "Hendrix? Are you okay? You're okay, right?" Hector asks me. How long was I unconscious? I look around, expecting to see Faust somewhere, but they're sitting leaning up against a pillar hugging their knees. 

"Are you going to play nicely now?" the game master grins slightly, asking Faust. 

"Yes," they mutter, looking at the ground beside them. 

"Good. Now," the game master claps his hands together and his flaming appearance dwindles. "Shall we decide where you'll all end up?"

"What?" Pandora squeaks out. "Aren't we going home?" 

"Pandora," the game master smiles at him. "You're dead," he says as all of his pleasantries disappear. His face is stern, without an ounce of feeling in it, and he places his hands on his hips. 

"What?" Pandora takes a step back and shakes his head. "No, no, no that can't be right. I can't be dead. Doesn't that mean everyone is dead? Everyone died twice? What are you talking about. You're wrong. No. I'm not dead. I'm not! I have a heartbeat. I'm breathing. I'm alive. I'm not-" frantic crying and Pandora falls to his knees. He holds his head and screams. "What was Fonso's death for then? Why did he die twice? What's going to happen now? Why are we in this stupid game? This is torture!" 

"We're...dead?" Hector's eyes widen and he looks at me. His mind spiraling out of control just like Pandora's. "I had so much to live for! I can't be dead! What about all of my dreams? Hendrix. We were going to open up a business together!" he starts crying and I bring him in for a hug. "Are we really dead?" he asks me, even though he knows the answer now. 

"Congratulations, you've all been chosen for Heaven. If your memories of this game are too painful, I can erase them for you before you start your journey upwards," the game master explains and halos appear on the top of our heads. "If you'd like to write a message to a family member or friend from this game before leaving, I have writing instruments and paper. When they pass the game, I'll deliver your letter." 

"This can't be happening. What was all of this for if we were dead anyway?" Pandora sobs. "Where is Fonso? What happened to Fonso?" 

"I am under no obligation to tell you what happened to Fonso," the game master replied. My memories of our conversation still remain. They weren't there at first but now that some time has passed after I woke up, I am able to piece them back together again. Would Mulciber get mad if I tried to explain everything to Pandora? What would he punish me with? 

"Pandora," I begin, "please calm down. Let's right our letters first and then we can try to ask more questions. There is a lot to process right now." 

"Fonso should be here, not me. Fonso saved me. I should switch with Fonso," Pandora sobbed. "Can I switch with Fonso? I don't care where I end up just save Fonso! I'll do anything!" he pleads. 

"Anything?" Mulciber grins, raising an eyebrow. 

"Anything!" Pandora repeats. 

"He doesn't know what he's saying!" Faust snaps, standing up and running towards Pandora. They stop in front of him, protecting Pandora from Mulciber's schemes. 

"This is a conversation between Pandora and I," Mulciber smiles for a brief moment before the smile fades and he points a finger at Faust. "Shut up and don't interfere," he moves his finger and Faust moves with it. They're slammed into the nearest pillar and fall to the ground. Mulciber leans down in front of Pandora. 

"Would you like to save Fonso?" he smiles, but I can sense the darkness behind it. 

"Yes," Pandora nods. 

"You'll do anything to save Fonso?" 

"Yes, he saved me, I owe him my life," Pandora nods again. 

"Then, would you like to make a deal?" Mulciber grins. How many people has he ensnared like this? Why is Pandemonium still allowed to function when such a sadistic person is in charge of it? Just what is happening up there in Heaven? 

"Pandora! Don-" Faust tries to warn him but it's no use. Mulciber makes a hand gesture and Faust's lips disappear. The pillar starts to grow vines, keeping Faust attached to it.

"Pando-" I begin, but Mulciber gives me a look that shuts my mouth before I even have the chance to defy him. He's terrifying. I feel pathetic for not being able to help Pandora. 

"Yes," Pandora agrees. 

"Yes?" Mulciber is ecstatic. He grabs Pandora's wrist and starts drawing something on it. "This chain will link you and Fonso's soul. You'll be in every game Fonso is in until you both survive or until you manage to help Fonso pass. If Fonso gets here without you though," Mulciber releases Pandora's wrist. "You'll be sent to eternal damnation," his eyes burn with small flames and Pandora starts shaking. "Feel free to back out of this deal whenever you please," Mulciber smiles. "Just put your finger on the chain and say 'I break the link' and you'll go right to Heaven just as you would've right now. Fonso, on the other hand," Mulciber smirks. "Will take your place in Hell." 

"What if they lose the game and are sent into reincarnation?" I ask. 

"The deal still stands either way," Mulciber stands up. "They're souls are linked until Pandora unlinks them. When they both die again after being reincarnated, they'll be back to Pandora and Fonso, no matter who they lived as in their old life." Mulciber reaches into his suit jacket and hands a pen and card to Pandora. "Write your message and I'll send you into a new game." 

"Now," Mulciber faces Hector and I. "Would you two like to remember your game session even though you're starting a new life in Heaven?" 

"I..." Hector looks down at his hands. "I need some more time to think. Can we write more than one letter? I want one for all of our fellow players..." 

"It's usually just one letter per person," Mulciber sighs. "I'm feeling generous today though, so," he reaches into his suit jacket and holds out a stack of cards and two pens. He then snaps his fingers and Faust is freed from his trap and their lips are returned. 

"Are you going to continue our bet?" Mulciber asks Faust. "You still have the option to abandon Hyde, you know," he smirks. 

"That's not an option!" Faust snaps, glaring. "They already thought I abandoned them since it took me so long to see them again. I'm not going to do that!" 

"Suit yourself," Mulciber shrugs. "I find it entertaining either way," he snickers. 

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