Pandemonium Archives: Faust's Letter to Hyde

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Darling Hyde. Loving sweet amazing and fantastic Hyde. Beautiful Hyde. I can't really think of a good way to start this letter, you'll have to bear with me. I'm not the best at putting my words into...well, words actually. I'm not good at speaking and I've never been very good at conveying my emotions in any sense of the word. 

Firstly, I'd like to apologize. I shouldn't have asked you to enter that cage in the first place. I should've inspected the room more instead of forcing that impossible question on you. I'm so sorry. You're a kind a loving soul, even if you are a demon, and I should never have asked you something like that. Even if you can't die. Even if you're not at risk like the rest of us humans. I shouldn't have done it. I wasn't thinking about what would happen if you couldn't escape that cage. You smiled at me, told me it was fine, but I'm so sorry. I've betrayed your trust. 

Don't call me 'Jekyll' anymore. 

I'm not your other half. I'll never live up to the name. 

But, it's okay. It's okay. I'm sure I'll find some way to help you out. I don't know how long it will take but I need to repay my debt to you. I need to remedy my mistake. I...well...I'm not sure how to say this. The idea of you reading this in the future is a bit embarrassing but if by some chance I never make it out or I never find a way to save you or if the game master refuses my pleas...

I think I need to say this somewhere. 


Okay, well, now that I've said I'm going to say it I'm at a loss for words. What was I trying to say again? Haha, I'm sorry. I just...okay let me try this again. 

Hyde, you're the only person (demon?) who ever looked me in the face and told me it was okay to be myself. Everyone else tried to deny me of who I am but you smiled and laughed it off. Thank you so much for that. So, I don't care how many times I die trying to save you. I don't care how long it takes, I just hope you'll be in one piece by the time I manage to do it. I care for you so deeply that trying to explain it in any words is impossible. You make me whole but I'm sorry, I can't be your 'Jekyll' anymore. 

A better 'Jekyll' would've taken your spot in the cage for you. I didn't do that. I'm the one who put you in there in the first place. No amount of apologizing is going to change that. Instead, I'm going to sell my soul to the Devil. I'm going to try my absolute best to figure a way out for you. 

Please wait for me. 

I don't know how long it'll take. 

I'm not even sure if I'll look anything like how you remember me the next time we see each other. Will you remember me? Well, even if you don't remember me, I'll always remember you. 

I'm going to save you. 

I promise. 


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