Stage One Part II

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"How did yo-" Hector begins but I place my finger over his mouth. I smile, separating us and shake my head. 

"I know everything about you, Hector, of course I would know when you aren't feeling well," I glance over in the direction of Claude to make sure he didn't overthink our conversation. He couldn't have heard me from over there...but just in case he thought he knew what I was talking about...I had to improvise. No matter what, I couldn't let them hunt for the Traitor. No one was going to die under my watch. Unless, of course, they died from their own stupidity. Can't save them all in that case. 

I examine the walls once again and look at the one closest to me. 'To be' To be where? To be here? To be there? I run my hands along the sides, ignoring my mother who is furrowing her brows and staring at me in that confused way of hers. She doesn't know the first thing about me no matter how much she tries to understand. But, all mothers are like that in a way. Something inside the wall clicks into place and the 'or not to be' wall spins around. Weapons of all sorts. My step-father makes his way over to it immediately. So like him. He doesn't care an ounce about anyone but himself. I shake my head and place my hands on my hips, watching the fool that he is. 

"Don't touch it," I warn, but he doesn't listen to me. He never does. He picks up one of the knives and points it at the closest person next to him, who happens to be the weakest looking one out of all of us. Good job, Claude, you really know how to be afraid of the stupidest things. The guy's hair covers his eyes and his body is visibly shaking with fear. I think his name is Gilbert. He is in no way a threat. But, as Claude would say 'you can't trust appearances, boy.'

"Fonso was right, we have to find out which one of us is the Traitor," Claude proceeds to point the knife at each one of us. No. Fonso wasn't right. We aren't going to find the Traitor and we aren't going to kill anyone. That isn't going to help anything it's just going to cause panic. I shake my head and let out a long sigh. I'm not going to let anything happen to Hector. I'm especially not going to let Claude point a knife at him and get away with it. I take a step forward, fully prepared to enter a debate, but Faust's cackling interrupts my thought process. They shake their head and run a hand through their hair. Pure white with light pink undertones. It's quite breathtaking, actually. 

"I'm for a good murder game just like the rest of us but do you really want to start that kind of party?" Faust's smirk sends chills down my spine. What are they hiding underneath that hot pink suit? Or, are they just all talk? In either case, I don't wish to find out. 

"What do you think you can accomplish?" Claude sneers, pointing the knife at Faust. Faust's smirk never fades and they take a step closer to Claude. 

"I should be asking you that, sweetie." Faust moves faster than I can blink and the only thing snapping me back into reality is the sound of the knife falling to the floor. Claude is kneeling in front of the wall with his face dangerously close to the blade of an axe. Faust is standing on the backs of his legs, holding him by the hair in front of the weapon. Faust cackles again. "What do you think you can accomplish?" they repeat the earlier question, inching Claude's face closer to the blade with each moment. "Don't make an enemy of me. I'm the master of playing games and, honey, you don't even know the first thing about how this one starts." 

"Uhm," a male with thick round glasses raises his hand. He is the same guy that suggested we all introduce ourselves. "We should really try to get along Mr. Claude and Mx. Faust. Please don't fight with each other."

Mr. Shoe Thrower...ah, Fonso? Walks over and grabs Pandora's shirt collar. He pushes him up against the wall and sneers in his face. "Listen, buddy, we aren't here to get along. We are here for some guy to get a hard-on watching all of us suffer. Stop it with the pleasantries. Understand? We're all going to kill ourselves trying to figure out who the Traitor is and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It's part of being a human."

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