Elevator One

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The elevator was less like an elevator and more like a hotel room. A complete package with a bathroom (shower too), a small food making area, and some closets. The only thing it lacked was furniture. 

"It looks like we are going to have to share," Faust held up a sleeping bag. "There is only enough for half of us so choose your sleeping partner while you still have options," they snickered. 

"That shouldn't be too bad. We are already basically divided into pairs," I say. Everyone looks to each other and nods. The twins are together. My parents are together. I'm obviously going to be with Hector. That just leaves Rose, Gilbert, Fonso, Pandora, and Faust. 

Rose glances between the remaining people and immediately grabs Gilbert's arm. "I'm not trusting any of those freaks," she snaps and crawls into the sleeping bag without caring to search for food. 

"Uhm, Rose? Are you sure this is..." Gilbert waves his arms frantically not wanting to get into the sleeping bag. 

She gets cozy into the sleeping bag before replying. "Look, you're the least of my worries. Faust over there could stab me in the back at a moment's notice. Fonso might strangle me in my sleep. And, Pandora doesn't look like he could get a wink of sleep next to a woman. So shut up and deal with it, Gilbert." 

"Oh," Gilbert mutters quietly. "So, you don't think of me as a guy then?" I saw the air of defeat swarm around the smol lad. He was so pure. I want him to be happy. But it looks like his one-sided fascination with Rose was never going to go anywhere. 

"Ahahaha!" Faust laughs with an air of victory. "I found the sustenance!" They bring out a basket filled with various food items and divides it up between everyone. Claude is sure to snatch his items firsthand. I imagine it's because he doesn't want to give anyone the chance to poison him. I know that I would without remorse. 

We munch on our food in silence. I look around at everyone, catching glances, but still no words are spoken. "Faust," I begin. They look at me with their cheeks full of food. 


"There isn't a sleeping bag for you. Are you going to be okay?" 

"Don't worry about me, love," Faust chuckles. "I'm used to sleeping on the floor." For a moment, I catch a glimpse of sadness in their eyes. I don't want to bring up any more unpleasant memories so I avoid asking further questions. Hector and I split our portions together and get into the sleeping bag. 

"Wait, wait, wait, there is a shower! Would anyone object to me going first?" Pandora gestures to the bathroom, on the verge of tears. 

"What?" Fonso growls. "What gives you the right to go first?" 

"Now, now, ladies," Faust shakes their head. "I think we all mean that I am to go first, right?" they stand up and join the argument. Mostly everyone else is already prepared to sleep. The twins give each other a glance and sigh. Rose is already out like a light but Gilbert hasn't gotten into the sleeping bag yet. I imagine that he will be sleeping on the floor like Faust. 

"Please? I don't think I could stand to stay in this germ ridden outfit much longer!" Pandora pleads. I close my eyes and try to block out the rest of their useless bickering. Fonso never ceases to amaze me. Every time I think I have a good outline of his character, he does something like this and I'm confused again. Is he nice? Or, is he mean? Does he hate people? Then why try to save an unconscious Pandora? Maybe something hurt him in the past...? And he has trust issues?

"You're doing it again," Hector snickers. I open my eyes and frown. 

"I'm doing what?"

"You're trying to get a good read on everyone," Hector explains. "But, not everyone is someone you'll be able to understand. I think that's the point of this game, you know? Endless surprises. Take Faust, for instance, they are constantly changing their demeanor to keep you on your toes. People like Gilbert and Pandora are going to trick you into thinking you can trust them and then end up being the ones that betray you." A small gleam of deviousness crosses Hector's face. I've never seen that sort of expression on him before. 

"Hector," I cup his face in my hands and press our faces together. "Even if you were to betray me, I think my love for you would outweigh any sort of shock that took place." 

"W-what!?" Hector's face flushes and I snicker. 

"I'm going to support you until the end of this game and beyond the end of this game, you know that right?" I smile. 

"Is this where I say 'I do'?" Hector laughs. 

"You two are hideously adorable, I hope you know," Faust appears between us. How did they even manage to squeeze into this sleeping bag without us knowing? Are they a sorcerer? Hector and I nearly jump out of our skin. 

"I bet your asking yourself why you didn't notice me," Faust raises a finger and nods. They aren't wearing their suit jacket but the vest is still in place. Sleeping in those cloths can't be comfortable. "My answer to that is: you were too caught up in staring into each other's eyes to notice. Be careful about that. Love is nice and all but if you're too focused on each other you'll miss the person stabbing your back," Faust's eyes gleam as they smirk. Another shiver down my spine. I really don't want this to become a routine. Faust, please, I enjoy you as a person but you freak me out. 

"So, you aren't going to sleep on the floor?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, someone has to make sure the lovebirds don't do naughty things," Faust chuckles. "Besides, if I had little brothers I think they would be a lot like you two. Consider yourself adopted by Older Sibling Faust," they smile and wrap their arms around both of our necks, pulling us close into a hug. Hector and I give each other an awkward look. I look up at Faust's smiling face but notice his gaze shift to Claude a few sleeping bags away. 

"Don't trust your family, kid," Faust mutters to me. "That man is dangerous." 

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