Stage Six

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The floor is barren with the exception of a giant chair in the center. Hyde claps their hands together and grins. "Oh, this is my favorite bit."

"Hyde," Faust warns, rubbing their neck where previously strangled.

"Oh, yes dear, I'll play nice I promise."

"Whatever that means," Rose rolls her eyes. I have a feeling she is going to take up the Fonso energy: spiteful but somehow still sweet. I'm not sure what Gilbert sees in her but I'm glad someone appreciates her. After losing so many people, it's no wonder she lost some of that kindness I saw in her more early on. 

Hyde rushes out onto the floor without a second thought. No ounce of cautiousness in them. They reach the chair and observe every inch of it, touching it, feeling every crevice, looking for clues. "From this point on, I doubt many of us will make it out of here," Hyde admits.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rose frowns.

"We have crossed the threshold into the unknown. You have reached floor five, congratulations, now the rest of this game will be a true murder mystery," Hyde explains. "I suggest you all get very comfortable with the fact you might die, very quickly."

"Hyde, please, don't start a fire," Faust says, crossing their arms. "I do enjoy myself some flames but this is a very fragile crowd." 

"Start a fire? Trust me, darling, no one knows how to start a fire better than you," Hyde pokes Faust in the chest and smirks. "Need I remind you how I got into that cage in the first place?" Faust stiffens. 

"I don't know what kind of history you two have but I don't like it," Rose points at the two.

"This is an electric chair," Claude points out. "One intended for criminal extermination."

"Don't talk about people like they are insects," I look towards my step-father.

"Well, that's what you are, isn't it? A filthy pest that refuses to get out of my way," Claude crosses his arms and leans up against the wall. "This is clearly a floor where someone is intended to die, just like that thing over there said. So, who will it be this time?"

"Did you just..." Hyde points to themself, "call me a thing, Sir? Do you dare bite your thumb at me, Sir?" Hyde growls, gliding gracefully across the floor to reach Claude. They smile menacingly and grab his arm, dragging him towards the chair. "Reconsider, Sir, your word choice, or I will strap you into this chair without another care."

"Apologize, Claude, or you will be the next insect," Faust smirks with sweet satisfaction. Everyone in the room (except maybe Pandora, as he is the purest human I've ever met in my entire life) revels in the scene. Claude being forced into the chair by Hyde. If that wasn't worth the trouble we went through to save Hyde, I don't know what is. I'm sorry, Lucien, are you enjoying this from your spot in Heaven at least? I wish you were here to see it in person. 

"Oh, don't act like you're all high and mighty, you, like everyone else, watched my wife walk out and die. If you wish to make this a game of morals, look at yourself in the mirror." How does Claude even have the energy to make more people mad at him while also trying to fight Hyde? 

"It was no matter of stopping at that point," Faust shrugs, "I know the brain quite well, I'm afraid, and people that are convinced of a theory will act on their convictions. Nothing I could've said or done would've stopped that woman from dying. Your words, flimsy as they were, held weight in her heart."

"All in favor of executing the criminal, say 'Aye'" Hyde tried their best to force Claude to sit down but the strength between the two was evenly matched. Claude could neither sit nor flee. They've been going at this for a hot minute. Each time I think Hyde is going to win, Claude gets some extra energy from an unknown location. This is better than watching a sports game, not that I was ever into sports though. 

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