Chapter 13

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Tip 10: Choices matter.

The dark, cold morning wind caressed your skin as if freezing hands run along your body. You quietly gazed upon Shin's house towering before you, heart anxiously drumming in your ears while cold sweat trickled down your temples. You scanned the property, trying to check if anyone was outside, hiding. You paced down the cobble stone path leading towards the front door, hands reaching to twist the knob.

You pushed it open and gently stepped inside the dimly lit room while darkness almost swallow the hallway and pushed the door behind you close using your foot, leaving you vulnerable to what would happen in closed doors.

You tread deeper and into the living room, hearing a muffled noise coming from it. Cautiously making your way towards it, you let your eyes wander around hoping to have any idea to where your friends might be.

The muffled voice got louder when you entered the room.

Taro gazed at you with wide eyes as he fiercely shake his head, that got you confused all of a sudden. He sat in the middle of the room, bounded in his seat; wrist tied together behind him and his feet on the wooden limbs. You jog towards Taro, going down on your knees and ripped the tape that covered his mouth.

"Bakero! You shouldn't have come here!" Taro yelled with a panic voice while your fingers tries to unloop the ropes binding him. "Y/N!"


"Behind you!"

You weren't able to react when you felt something stike you at the back of your head. Falling side ways on the floor, your skull ached and the world begin to spin in your eyes. In your peripheral vision you see the blurry figure of Budo and Shin gazing down at you, Budo playfully swing his hammer in his hand while Shin stood silently.

Budo glowers then glanced at Taro with the same anger in his eyes. "You take care of her," He ordered Shin, stepping forward disappearing from your sight. "I'll handle Taro."

Their words seemed to echo in your ears like voices bouncing on empty drums, coming out as blurry as you see them through your heavily blinking eyes.

"What are we going to do to her?" Shin questions.

"We're talking them to the abandoned house," You hear Budo say and there was a dragging noise coming from behind you. "We're going to lure her there."

Darkness soon consumes you.


Osana pressed her knees to her chest and hugged her legs to find comfort as she lean on the wall at the corner, watching Kuroko circled the room disturbed written all over her face as she scanned countless pictures plastered on one side of a wall with your classmates stolen pictures pinned at the center of a clear patch of a wall with crossed marks on certain pictures they knew were the ones Ayano had already killed.

Kuroko's attention switched when the door to the room draw open, she sees your unconscious body on Shin's shoulder while Taro trailed behind tumbling into the room by a rough kick from Budo.

“Hey!” Osana spring to her feet to aid Taro. She helped him up and brushed off the dust on his clothes, shooting Budo a glare from time to time.

“We got what we want so there's no need to tie you up.” Budo told Taro, tossing him the saw he had before.

He drags a chair to the center of the room, facing the littered wall. After tying you up he pulled out a phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

How to date a Yandere  [Ayano Aishi x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora