Chapter 7

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Tip 7: Stay close to your friends.

Days passed after your unexpected encounter with Ayano, you haven't seen her ever since. She had even stopped attentding to school either. It might sound crazy but you were worried about her, you don't exactly know why but you just do. With a ring of a bell signaling class to be dismissed, you stood up from your seat and unhooked your bag hanging from the side of your table and plopped it in front of you.

As you arrange your things while deafening the noise bouncing off the walls of the class, you threw in you books and writing materials, then fishing out your phone from the small pocket at the side of your bag and opened it. Lately you've been checking out your phone once in a while, why? Because you were hoping to receive a text from Ayano.

You were still scared of her, even more when she proved to you that she'd kill for you, but you can't shake the feeling of being concern for her because she's technically still your girlfriend. You heave out a loud sigh at the thought of Ayano before pressing back to your phones home screen and stare down at the wall paper of you and Ayano, you felt a slight twinge in your heart as you see her beaming smile while the side of her forehead leaned against yours while you mirrored a smile of your own with an arn wrapped around her shoulder.

"Hi, Y/L/N-senpai.."

You look up from the voice in front of you and see a girl with thick blonde hair that were messily tied behind her head with two long dark pink and orange fringe at either side of her forhead, under her dark rounded orbs were deep shade of pink make up brushed against her tanned skin. She leaned her hands on your desk, an infamous smirk you knew well of how flirtatious it seemed as she looks at you.

"uh.. hello?.. " You forced a thin lipped smile at her, hiding the fact that you're uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Hana Daidaiyama," She softly introduced, lifting a hand towards you while she shortly glanced down to your phone. "I'm a close friend of Aishi."

A close friend?

Slowly nodding your head at her statement, though you didn't believe it. "Oh, nice to meet you.."

With that you turn back down to your things, turning your phone off and sliding it down to your pocket. You close your bag and swing the strap on your shoulder before looking back again at the girl in front of you, who was watching your every move. "It was.. nice meeting you."

Turning your body away, you lastly tucked your chair under the table before you head on towards the door to exit. You passed by some of your classmates and shoot them a smiled as they bid you goodbye while they fix their things while you walked out of the door and into the hall where students roam down the hall ready to go home. Feeling a presence next to you, you turn your head and see Hana.

"Do you need something?" Looking at her confused, you ask.

Her eyes rolls up to you, she leered at you under her fake eyelashes. "You," Taken aback from what she said, you silently gaped at her.

A playful smirk appeared on her lips. "I mean, I want to get to know you." She muttered, wrapping a hand on your arm.

You instantly pulled your arm away from her touch, as if an electicity shocked you. "Incase you didn't know, I have a girlfriend. Who is you said as your close friend."

"Calm down," She giggles in high pitch voice, slowly placing her hand back on your arm that she didn't get that you don't like her doing. "What's wrong about getting to know my friends girlfriend?"

"Nothing, but you have a complete odd way of showing it," You told her with an arch brow quckly casting an eye down to her hand holding you.

Arriving at the lockers area, you moved away from Hana's grasp and went towards your locker then opening it. You slid out of your school shoes and placed it inside while you pulled out another that you use for outside. Catching a glimpse of Hana at the edge of your eyes, she leaned beside your locker with a smirk on her lips. Doesn't she notice that you're uncomfortable around her?

How to date a Yandere  [Ayano Aishi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now