Chapter 2

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Tip 2: Ignore other guys or girls... if you're in my case ignore both. Why? So no one could get hurt.

It was official. You and Ayano were now a couple, the news spread all over the school saying the new girl in school got Ayano in the palm of her hand. But you know well that it was not true.

Because it was you who was all wrapped around Ayano's fingers.

You were currently in your classroom, answering your test. The ball of your pen jotting down numbers and letters as you write your answers in the answer sheet, you eyes switching to the questionnaire checking if you got all the signs right.

Few weeks later it was now your quarterly examination, you sometimes get nervous about these type of things, especially at math's, but since Ayano helped you last night with studying you were very sure that you're going to ace this test.

You stood up from your seat, placing your answer sheet and questionnaire inside your folder then walked towards the front of the room.

"Ah, Ms. Y/L/N. Already finished?" Your teacher asked, you nodded. "Well, I guess you could take an early break since this is the last test for today."

"Thank you," You muttered before gathering your things from your desk and exited the room. Not without throwing Taro a smirk, you can see he's struggling with his math's.

He just stuck his tongue out at you.

You trudged freely down the empty hall, since it was quarterly exam, all the students may have still be on their classroom taking their tests. Passing through your girlfriend's classroom, you see her serious glare as she focused on writing. An unknown smile formed on your lips, watching her every move. She looked so adorable with her brows knotted together.

Hearing the classroom door sliding open, you see a pink headed girl coming out of the room, her emerald eyes landing on you.

"Ohayou, Y/N-senpai." She greeted enthusiastically.

"Ohayou, Sakura-chan." You replied, smiling. "I assume you're the first one to finish the test?"

She nodded. "Hai, it wasn't that hard."

Humming. "I guess Sakura-chan is very smart huh?" You teased, grinning at her as you playfully pinched her cheeks. "You need to teach me sometimes, Sakura-chan."

A reddish color crawled out of Sakura's cheeks, she shyly look down. "I guess -uh..I could tutor you in my free time." She replied, scratching a part of her arm.

"That's great," You said. "If I need one I could ask for your help, but for now Aya-" You were cut off by a loud slam of the door, startling the both of you.

Ayano stood by the doorway with a deadpanned expression, her eyes switching between you and Sakura.

"Ayano-chan! I was waiting for you to finish so we could have lunch together" You beamed cheerfully, grabbing one of her hands and pulled her closer. Not noticing the hidden glares she's shooting towards Sakura. "Well Sakura-chan, we'll be going now."

"Hai, Y/N-senpai." She replied, waving goodbye as she watched you drag Ayano towards the cafeteria.

There wasn't much student hanging out in the cafeteria, maybe because they're still on their exams or maybe because they preferred to stay in their classrooms to study for tomorrow's examinations. Only a couple of upperclassmen, the seniors, and some familiar students that seemed to be one of your club mates in the martial arts club.

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