Chapter 1

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Tip 1: Join a club, martial arts club is better. Trust me, you're going to be needing it in the future.

Your footsteps bounced off the walls of the empty hallway, exploring down the hall and looked around to find something that would catch your attention. After all of your classes ended, you decided to join a club, or any extra curricular activities to pass up some free time, that you would most likely going to have after school.

Your lips pressed into a thin line, your eyes scanning every open rooms and posters glued on the doors. In one of the opened doors you saw were students chopping vegetables and meats, you immediately knew it was a cooking club. Then there was one room that the inside was a dark and creepy with strange writings on the floor with lit candles around it, you heard that it was an occult club.

Then there was a drama club, that you saw a poster on its door, photography club, art club and even gardening club. Switching your eyes from left to right, you spotted something that took your interest and you didn't hesitate to enter inside the room.

You see a boy standing in the middle of the room by the large windows, wearing a loose white karategi top and bottoms with black round belt around his waist, a red band on his upper left arm and a white bandana around his head, under the fringe of his black hair.

You approached the boy, opening your mouth to speak but he interrupted you. "Welcome to the Martial Arts Club! My name's Budo Masuta," He greeted enthusiastically with a wide smile. "What brings you here?"

"Hey, my names Y/N Y/L/N. I wanted to join your club, are there any requirements?" You replied, eyes traveling around the room, studying it.

"None, the martial arts club is pretty much open for anyone." Budo said, he turned around and walk towards a desk containing a pile papers and neatly lined folders. "Let me get you a brochure so we can start."

You silently nodded. Looking around, you notice that the club was quite empty comparing to the other clubs, especially the cooking club. The thought of cooking made you remember about Ayano, did she join the cooking club?

"So..your club," You slowly begun, trying to find a word that wouldn't offend him from the lack of people. "Where are your members?"

"Oh, the others took a break for today," He explained, carrying a piece of paper, brochure and a card. "Here's the brochure, you can see the list of things you'd be needing here. And I just need you to sign this."

Budo handed out a pen and a piece of membership contract attached on a clipboard. Signing the paper on the bottom right part, you gave it back to him and in return he gave you a card.

"This is your membership card you just need to write your name and attach one of your pictures, signature on the back and you're good to go," He informs, resting the clipboard on his hips. "You must always bring your card at every club meetings, just stick it with your school ID so you'd never forget."

You nodded in understatement, inserting the card in your pockets. "Okay, thank you." You told him, preparing to leave.

"Oh, practice starts tomorrow!" Budo yelled at you once you neared the exit. "I suggest you prepare your things right away."

How to date a Yandere  [Ayano Aishi x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin