Chapter 10

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Side note: I forgot to mention last update that the story has maybe a few chapters before it ends and I just wanted to tell you that thank you for your patience. This chapter's short, it took long for mo to update because its a bit hard for me to come up with scenes as of now, though I hope you could enjoy this chapter.

The vast tree's surrounding the area rustled from the fresh breeze blowing through, the sun had already set itself on the top of your heads blaring warm heat on your skin. Your Eye/C eyes scanned the words scribbled on a piece of paper laying flat in your palm, that Taro gave to you and your girlfriend to find a temporary shelter to hide. Switching your gaze towards the name carved on the wooden log at the side of the door and see that it was the same, you inserted the keys and pushed the door open.

The cabin wasn't that big, your not complaining, but it was spacious. Dark brown paint cover the walls, on the center of the room are two single chairs that were facing each other ontop of a thick furred marroon rug with a light rustic wooden coffee table between. On one side was a small kitchen, a small dark ironed wood burning stove with prep table and beside it is a white sink connected on the wall. At the opposite side of the room, across the chairs, is a surprisingly large wooden bed with thick deep red duvets above the white covered mattress and airy pillows.

all in all it was quite cozy.

Walking deeper in the room and dropped your bag on the table, eyes still marveling around admiring the room. Feeling a tug on your collar, your body jerked back and your turn your head to see Ayano pulling you back and you were dragged across the room. You let out a yelp when you were thrown on the bed, your body sinking in the soft cushion. Heat creeped up your neck as you watch Ayano climbed on your lap and pushed your torso back, your body completely laying on the bed.

“Ayano?!” You gasped, face flushed as you gawk up at her.

“Did you know how much I missed you when I was away?” Ayano whispered in a low alluring voice, her uninjured hand slithering up your chest bringing the hem of your shirt along with it. “So now, let's make up the time lost.”


A deep loud scream pierced through the peaceful warm sun lit neighbourhood, causing song birds to flap their wings from tree trunks they were ones resting and away from the beige colored bungalow styled house.

Budo's feet paced angrily back and forth in the living room floor, his heavy footsteps reverberating across the living room and to where Taro, Shin, Kuroko and Osana were, watching him silently as they sat around the tables from the kitchen.

“They left,” Osana breaks the prolonged silence. “Ho-How....why -Y/N.”

Taro's head hung low, eyes solely on the empty table avoiding his friends' eyes as his lips pressed together guilty. Sure he helped you despite of him disapproving the idea of you running away with Ayano, and doing that it will cause more ruckus that it already had. But when he looked at you, last night on the floor, holding Ayano desperately in your arms with your pleading face broke his heart. Then you requested your things to be brought to you, from there on he knew what you were planning to do so he didn't hesitate to help you. You were his best friend, all of you were but you're his closest one from the rest, he's not going deny you happiness.

It's not that he doesn't have any sympathy at Sakura's death, but one reason of suffering is enough.

Shin parted his lips. “I felt like we've been betrayed...” He said quietly, staring blankly outside the window.

“We need to call the cops.” Budo emerged in the living room, crossing his arm on his chest. “We're going to tell them that Ayano was the one who killed Sakura and Daidaiyama.”

“We can't because there were no evidence found at Sakura's murder.” Kuroko contradicts, fixing the bandages on Osana's body. “And I'm pretty sure the cops haven't found evidence in Daidaiyama's case either.”

“What if she comes back to finish us off?” Osana squeaked in glossed eyes, anxiously hugging her body.

Budo's eyes lands on Osana, her words repeating in his mind. Kuroko was right, the inspector already told them the night when Sakura was murdered is they didn't find other DNA's or any other suspicious person that could be linked to Sakura's death, they didn't even have under investigation suspects, even if its just someone who would have motive to kill Sakura. It was unbelievable how Ayano played them, easily like they were puppets on a string, how she manipulated you with her emotions of condolences at Sakura's death, and it made a burning feeling that wanted to erupt in Budo's chest.

“What if we get to her first.” Budo calmly stated.

They stared at a calm deadpanned face Budo, too calm that they almost think that it was too creepy for their liking. Shin's face awkwardly twitched, shifting in his seat and scratched the back of his neck as he looks up to the martial arts leader.

“What are you implying?” He inquires.

“Are we going to just stand by and wait for her to make a move and kill us?” Budo explains and begins to walk back and forth in front of them. “Or we're going to take the matters into our hands since the cops won't be able to help us?”

“And by taking it you mean?” Kuroko stared at him expectantly.

“Kill her before she kills us.” Budo plainly declares.

Shin hunches on the table and stared at Budo like he was crazy. “Are you crazy?! Didn't you even think that we'd go to jail for that?!”

“Do you have other ideas?” Budo counters, staring at Shin who remained silent. “Just as I thought.” He adds. “Alright, get yourselves ready because we're heading out to find them.”

Everyone stared at him, face conflicted at his decision nonetheless stood up from their seats to prepare. Budo's eyes flickers towards Taro, who he finds in a odd behavior that were silent the whole conversation. He watched him leisurely follow the three up the stairs with his head still hung low avoiding everybody's gaze. Budo knew to himself, there was something wasn't telling them.

And he'll try to find it out.

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