Ever since I told them I was pregnant.

Kylee and Tom have a closer relationship than Tom and I do, so she calls him dad. I don't.

"So when are we meeting this fiance of yours?" I asked. 

"He is planned to fly up here on Monday if all goes well with mom and dad." She informed us. "Are you still with Matt?" 

"Of course." I nodded. "Two years going strong."

"Good," she giggled. "Have you guys had sex yet? I remember a previous conversation we shared about a year ago about Matt and you deciding the right time to have sex and whatnot,"

"Yes," I muttered, looking down at my white Converse shoes. 

The red lining matched my red and black checkered flannel I was currently wearing. 

"What's that look for?" She raised her eyebrows, "Oh was it bad sex?"

"No it wasn't bad." I declined. "He gave me a promise ring," I stated, flashing her my ring.

"Oh my gosh..." She stared at it for a few moments, "It's beautiful, better than mine."

"Yours is an engagement ring, mine is a promise ring," I said, slipping it off to show her. "There's a difference."

We sat there a moment, comparing the two rings. But no offense, Ky, mine is better.

"Are you going to tell her?" Brandy asked, bracing her arms on the island. 

I'm really not ready to tell her.

"When the time is right." I spoke, just above a whisper.

"Tell me what?" Kylee asked, still the perky Kylee I remember from almost three years ago.

"Nothing important," I lied, covering it up with a fake smile.

"You sure?"

"Mhm," I nodded.

"Okay, but you know you can talk to me whenever you need to about anything, right?"

I nodded again, "Of course."

"Good," she reached over, wrapping her arms around me. "I love you baby sis."

"Love you too," 

We held on for a few more moment than necessary but it was wanted. I've missed my sister.

"When is Matt coming over?" She asked, excited. "He was over here like all day, every day before I left for U Penn. Does he not come over as often anymore?"

"Oh he does," Brandy agreed.

"Yes, but we're in high school now so we're not always together." I shrugged. "He's at some football thing with a bunch of jock-football buddies. He'll probably be here later though."

"Oo, how's it like dating the star quarterback and team captain while you're the cheerleading captain?" She asked, eyes wide.

"Wonderful," I smiled. "But it's not like I would love him any less just because he's a football player and I'm a cheerleader for the team he plays for."

"True I guess." She shrugged. "I heard you won Homecoming Princess a few weeks back,"

"Yup," I agreed with a nod. "And Matt won Homcoming Prince."

"Of course he did, that's the way it goes. You guys have always been the perfect couple of RHS. That's what I hear anyway." she shrugged, turning her attention to Brandy. "Brandy I'm starving. I've had a long flight and I'm kind of tired."

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