Chapter 7

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I fluttered my eyes open but my vision was a bit blury.

"But what can we do?" I heard a frustrated voice call in front of me.

I noticed two figures arguing, but I couldn't make out who they were or what they were saying.

"Ugh," I groaned, feeling my face which had a tube up my nose and loop around my ears. It itched like crazy.

I caught the attention of the figures, them standing up and cutting off the fuss.

The one on my left grasped my hand, sending shivers rushing down my spine.

That must be Matt.

By the time I tore off the tube, my vision was crystle clear.

Brandy was standing on my left side with Matt on my right.

"Audrey, keep that on."

I shook my head, gosh where am I?

"I'll go get the doctor," Brandy offered, leaving the room.


"Wh-where am I?" I huffed, noticing a bag of fluids hooked on a pole with a tube connected to it.

I followed the tube, realizing it was an IV which was pinned into my wrist with needles.

"You're in the hospital," Matt informed me.

No shit.

I stood up, felling dizzy.

"Be careful," Matt ordered, assisting me.

"What happened?!" I huffed, tearing the IV needle out of my arm.

Gosh dammit. That hurt like a bitch.

"Y-you collapsed, at brunch." Matt studdered.


He shrugged, his head turning towards the door as a bald man in a white coat walked in the room.

"Audrey Dawson?" He asked, looking over paperwork connected to a clipboard.

"That's me," I agreed, sitting back down on the bed.

"I'm Adam Jones." He introduced himself, shaking my hand. "You collapsed due to low blood pressure and a high stress level. It has come to my attention that you're pregnant," he said, taking a pen out of his pocket, scribbling on the clipboard. "Is that correct?"

"Y-yes." I choked, bitting back tears.

"Is the baby okay?" Matt asked, gently rubbing my back.

"Not sure yet," he informed us. "You're the father of her baby?"

"Yes, sir." Matt answered, loud and proud.

"Alright, Audrey." Doctor Jones said, unwrapping the stethoscope from around his neck. "Let's take a look at your breathing,"

He pressed the stethoscope to my chest, listening to my heartbeat.

"Sounds good," he mused, taking the tube and reconnecting it to my nostrils and looping it around my ears.


"You need to keep this on, you lost a lot of oxygen to your blood while you were unconscience."

"How's the baby?" I asked, becoming overwhelmed.

"We don't know," he sighed. "But you will have an ultrasound and we'll find out."

I nodded, unsure of my emotions.

I mean, yeah.. I didn't want a baby. But it doesn't mean I wanted to lose it, either.

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