11. Pains Have Cures and Troubles Have Rescues.

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"Shoot! I'm already late!" Quaid took a piece of toast, threw a box of banana milk in his bag and hurriedly ran out of his apartment after closing the door, the toast still hanging on his mouth.

It was announced yesterday that the new CFO would be introduced today to all workers. Of all days, his lazy self chose this day to be late and break his perfect attendance. 

"Geat! Just great, you dumb ass!" He loudly scolded himself as he ran towards the direction of the hospital.

He didn't want to sound like he was just giving an excuse at the back of his mind but last night was another hell for him.

Von went to his college reunion and came at his doorstep passed midnight, all drunk and a mess. The man kept on digging his faults dating back to their first week together up to the most recent incident that displeased the former.

It was all curses, throwing things at him, and shouting that ended up in another forceful sex. He was only able to fall asleep at 4am after cleaning and putting clean clothes on Von, then attending to his wounded and bruised self again.

As he cleaned the fresh wounds and put an ointment on his bruises, Quaid bit his lower lip, "It's okay. You're okay. He didn't mean to hurt you. He was just drunk. This will all heal so don't cry. You'll just look pathetic."

When he woke up, his doctor lover was already gone, leaving his apartment looking like a storm just hit it.

Quaid sighed as he made sure the bruises of Von's grips on his wrists were hidden by his jacket. His colleagues were now used to seeing him wearing sweaters or jackets over his uniform.

He just got out of the locker room when he heard someone trying to get his attention. He turned around just to see a big man seemingly confused. Big because although with more than two meters of distance, he was still practically straining and looking way up just to meet the other's eyes. The difference in their height was no joke, considering that they were both men and he wasn't short.

For a moment there, time stood still for him and he was unable to move.

For Quaid, the stranger was the most handsome man he had ever seen. Turkish? Arabic? He didn't know. But the deep, black eyes that looked darker than the night, thick eyebrows, well-defined nose, seductive lips, and a jaw that was more solid than his future caused a heavy traffic of neurotransmitters in his brain. 

He just... feebly malfunctioned.

"Y-yes?" He managed one word out but he was still staring at the man looking like a love-struck girl.

The object of such amusement chuckled before smiling at Quaid. "I was just wondering if you could point me to the main conference room. I should be there for a meeting early but I was so thirsty----"

Hearing the word thirsty, Quaid immediately pulled out the banana milk from his bag and handed it to the man like an automatic robot, not even breaking eye contact.

"Ah. Thank you." The man's eyes shone as he forcefully suppressed the urge to laugh. He accepted the banana milk and decided to drink it right there and then. He really and greatly found the young man amusing as well, maybe even more amusing than how the latter was eyeing him. "It's good. I like it." He finished sipping all the content of the small box and nodded approvingly. Actually, he never even once tasted a banana milk or any flavored milk. He didn't even like a plain milk at all. Surprisingly though, this one tasted more than excellent.

"I... I can give you another one t-tomorrow. I'll give you five."

The serious look on Quaid's face almost threw the former into bouts of laughter again. He took a deep breath to prevent himself from bursting lest it might offend the other.

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