Influence Over Empires (Part 2)

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"People here are so weird," Chronos said to the dolls of his brothers that he held in his arms. "Calling me 'The Night's Beauty' or 'Galaxy's Phantom' is very weird. Especially since Nighty was my brother and I was friends with someone named Galaxy back home."

It had been a week since Chronos encountered Lord Nightmare and his most trusted. Chronos basically teleported away from them and has been on the move ever since. He's been living in the forest between the kingdoms, hiding in the shadows. There have been many who would spot him, but he would always hide in the trees until they left the area.

Chronos would eavesdrop  on some of the conversations to know what was going on between the kingdoms. From what he heard, the Moon Empire has been sending their men out to find something. The Sun Empire has been on the search, but not knowing what the Moon Empire was searching for, they didn't have any luck either.

Rumors about Chronos spread through both kingdoms. Night's Beauty was created by those from the Moon Empire, while Galaxy's Phantom was from the Sun Empire. It was kind of getting irritating for Chronos, because more and more people would try to approach him. Chronos ended up having to travel through the trees rather than walking on the floor so as to not get approached.

So Chronos was laying on a thick tree branch and talking with the doll forms of his brothers. He thought about relaxing today instead of getting more information. He really missed his brothers, but knew that there was no way to get back to them.

That thought ruined his mood. So Chronos put his dolls into the pockets of his cloak. Chronos got up and stretched, hearing satisfying and sickening cracks of his bones. Once he was done, Chronos turned to gather more info if for the fact he turned to be face to face with someone he didn't think he would run into.

"Hey there!" The bright blue star eye-lighted skeleton greeted. "Are you Galaxy's Phantom?"

Being met with the counterpart of Blueberry made Chronos forget he was on a tree limb. Chronos tried to step back, but started falling. Blueberry tried to grab Chronos, but missed by a second.


Chronos looked below to see the artist, but he was missing the blue sweater, and instead of a sash, his vials were on a belt. His clothes seem to match the time of this verse and had some paint stains on his long scarf. Not wanting to be touched by the Ink counterpart due to how he got here, Chronos teleported into a nearby tree.

"Where'd he go!?" Blueberry asked.

"There," Chronos quickly spotted the owner of the voice belonging to the Dream counterpart. He was pointing out where Chronos was. "We mean no harm. We just wanted to meet you once we learned that the Lord of the Moon Empire ordered people to report where they spotted you, Night's Beauty, or do you prefer Galaxy's Phantom?"

Chronos turned away and started to walk away from them. He wasn't interested in dealing with them. Chronos wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone. He especially didn't want to be pestered by Dream if he sees the sun and moon symbols under his mask.

"Hey, Dream is talking to you!" Ink shouts, before pulling out his paint brush. He launched purple paint at the small figure, but the three were shocked at how agile the figure dodged the paint. "Dream, this has to be the person Nightmare is looking for so urgently."

"You might be right," Dream said as they watch the small figure climb down the tree without struggle. "There could be more to Galaxy's Phantom than we anticipated. However, there's still the fact that they escaped from Nightmare. This could mean there's a reason why they're out here."

As Dream and Ink talked about Chronos, Blueberry used his blaster to get in front of Chronos. This made Chronos stop in his tracks and let Blueberry come closer, but stepped back when he was close enough. Blueberry took the hint and stood there with a bright smile at the smaller being.

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