Influence Over Empires (Part 1)

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"This isn't so bad," Chronos said. "With Tk and Papy being older, along with Paper at their side, they were in good hands. Even if Tk or Papy let their guard down, Paper knows better. It wasn't hard pulling his true Sans nature out."

Chronos looked down at his doll that he was talking to. He was trying to reassure himself that his brothers would be fine without him. Chronos did want his brothers that something was going to happen and that they needed to be careful while he went out into the Multiverse because he got an invite to a Multiversal Masquerade Ball.

He was going to skip if the invite wasn't from Galaxy. Paper Crane had convinced him to go, since it was addressed to both of them, but Chronos refused for his younger brother to go. So Chronos went, but wasn't expected to find those he met all tied up and telling him to run. He was frozen in shock and easily captured in paint. Those tied up screamed to him, but his mind was blurred. The next thing he knew was being dropped into the Void.

Luckily for him, Chronos crashed. Once he rebooted he found himself in a completely different place. He was in a dark forest and didn't see anything for miles. So Chronos made camp there. Once he settled down, he checked the codes that revealed that he was in a different Multiverse.

This Multiverse was in one universe where it was separated into two different kingdoms at war. Luckily this Multiverse wasn't as vast as the last two so he would be able to handle things here. Chronos had no way of contacting his brothers, but with what he taught them, all four of them would be fine.

Chronos decided not to interact with those in this Multiverse. He decided to stay camping out where he was until he was found and had to move. It was funny how he let younger brothers dress him for the ball. It didn't fit for this multiverse, but Chronos would never let his brothers' efforts go to waste. This was the last thing he had from them for a while, if not, forever.

They made him create a dark blue galaxy print sleeveless maxi dress that wrecked his ankles with a soft blue obi sash above his pelvis. His brothers even made him have a blue and black lace masquerade mask with a blue rose on the side. Not to mention the galaxy high heels that complimented the dress even more. It was all accented by his cracked, chipped, and fractured bones. Especially since his hands and feet were yellow and red tipped, while the rest were black.

It was interesting when the fire died. His entire outfit, especially the areas that were blue or had stars, glowed and twinkled. Usually, any of the outfits he made wouldn't glow, but since his brothers helped him design it and it was galaxy and outer spaced themed, he might have lace his strings with happiness and magic to cause this unusual phenomenon.

A few days after coming to this new Multiverse, Chronos went over to a nearby lake to bath in. He made sure to take off all his clothes so as to not ruin them. As he was relaxing in the water, he looked at his reflection.

There, over both of his eye sockets, almost invisible due to it being close to his black bone color and previous injuries was lines that lead from the top of his head to his cheeks. Those lead to symbols of a moon under his left eye socket and a sun under his right. Chrons thought it was just dirt and tried to wash it off, but it was still there.

Honestly, he didn't understand why he had these new symbols on him, but he didn't care at the moment. It didn't cause him pain or anything. They didn't mean anything to him at the moment and wouldn't mean anything until it became a problem.

After he got out, he sunbathed to dry off before putting his mask, dress, and heels back on. Chronos frowned at his outfit. It's not like he didn't like it. Oh heavens, no. He just didn't like how much his outfit reviled his bones. With covering up in mind, Chronos made a simple black cloak with his strings. He was aware he had a counterpart here and wasn't about to ruin his brothers' outfit for a misunderstanding.

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