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"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"I'm sure bro. Go rest, you need it more with your condition."

"You rest too! You're still injured!"

"I'll be fine, Geno. Now go rest before I call mom to drag you away."

"Fine. Goodnight Chronos."

"Goodnight, brother."

A Few Months Earlier

It was a simple and normal day. Not too hot and not too cold. The sky was clear, the sun was out, and a breeze blew past when it was getting too warm. It was the perfect time to go out and enjoy playing outside. For some, that's exactly what they did.

For Cq and her family, they were outside at the park. Her eldest was in remission for his illness and thought it was a wonderful time to take her sons to the park. She invited some friends of the family to join them.

Cq, Comyet, and Asy were watching Geno, Error, Fresh, Ink, and Sugar play on the playground with each other. Geno and Sugar were on the swings. Error, Ink, and Fresh were playing tag. They were all having a good time, enjoying a wonderful day.

"Can we take a break?" Fresh asked. "Deccy Dec should almost be here."

"You're just saying that because I was about to tag you!" Error argues.

"Nah bruh. Cheating is un-rad," Fresh said as he shook his head. "Deccy's mom wanted me to meet him across the street of the park. I just want to head over and wait for him."

"Okay, Fresh!" Ink exclaimed. "Go get Decan! Then we can continue our game!"

"Thanks, Inky bruh!" Fresh exclaimed as he walked off. "You da best radical bruh here!"

"Error, I'm going to get a drink," Ink said to his best friend. "Do you want anything?"

"Apple juice, please?" Error asked.

"Sure thing bud!"

Ink went back to the adults to retrieve beverages. Geno and Sugar went over there to take a break as well.

It truly was a nice day that day.

Fresh stood, waiting on the sidewalk close to the park. He could see where he was supposed to meet Decan. It was out of sight of his mom, so he stayed close to the park because of hidden dangers. Fresh didn't mind it though.

His older brothers were having a nice day out after so many years of stress with Geno's condition. His mom, aunt, and uncle were relaxing on the blanket they set up near a tree where they had food, snacks, drinks, and a first-aid kit that no one near his age seemed to notice but him. Fresh knew it was just a precaution, so he didn't point it out to the others.

It truly was a nice day that day.

Error was close to Fresh, but his little brother didn't notice him. Sure, he had his differences with his younger brother, but since Geno has been recovering he lightened up. Error was starting to learn how to be a big brother to Fresh but wasn't always straight forward. He would have his moments where he would yell at Fresh, but hitting him has stopped.

Error smiles softly. Things have finally turned around for the better. His prayers have been answered and his brother Geno was finally better. He had a really good friend who knew how to get him out of his head when he worried. Error was finally looking up in life. He was looking forward to the future now that his family and himself have overcome so much stress.

It truly was a nice day that day.

Fresh spotted Decan approaching their met up stop. Decan was excited to go out that day. Things at home were settling down now that his father was out of the picture. His mom spent more time with him and gave him more than just books. They weren't sports items like a soccer ball or skateboard, but toys like teddy bears and a keyboard. Decan was happy that things were turning around. Not just for him but also Fresh and his family.

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