Another Family and Multiverse (Part 1)

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"I didn't ask for this," Chronos grumbles as he looked down at the twins leaning on his arms as they slept. "I can't believe I fell into Fate's design for a Dreamtale copy! I already had a Dreamtale brother, I didn't need two more."

It wasn't Chronos's choice to be ripped away from his second family. After being with them for so many year, he thought he could be with them forever. However, Inkblot was being an idiot and broke Erratum's sanity. This caused Chronos to step in, ultimately saving everyone, but falling into the Void. He couldn't even access the De-void.

Not only did he fall into the Void, but he was spite out into another Multiverse, more specifically a Dreamtale copy. Eden, the original guardian of the Tree of Feelings, found Chronos injured and took him in. After Chronos found he couldn't get back to second family and no way to contact them to let them know he was alright, he released a lot of negativity that he held back.

Eden, noticing how the negativity was affecting the citizens and the tree, used her magic over feelings to help Chronos out of his down spiral. In using so much of her magic on Chronos, it added to his ever changing codes. Looking at it, Chronos became the guardian of emotions and son of Eden.

It was weird having another magic type, so Chronos spent most of his day practicing his emotion magic when his mother was away. It was weird sensing so many people and their emotions. Luckily for Chronos, it wasn't too hard to separate his emotions from others because his stayed on the negative spectrum.

His mom had introduced him to all the village as her son. No one questioned her, which was weird, but both him and his mother could tell they thought very negatively towards him. Chronos stayed to himself when in town with his mom. When he was alone at the tree of feeling, the villagers would try and taunt or hurt him. It never got to far because Chronos would flare his negativity, causing his mom to come to his aid. She knew who was at fault, which caused the villagers to hate Chronos.

When his mom wasn't teaching him how to use his feeling magic, they would watch the village below. On one of those days, Eden voiced desire to have kids to her son. Chronos, knowing what was going to happen, just smiled and said that it wasn't a bad idea. He decided to give his future younger brothers different names than those he knew.

Fate's design for the guardian was coming into play and he could feel the codes send him warning signs. Chronos knew it was too late to try and fight the codes, but he would do everything in his power to change it for his brothers. He thought about it and decided to change his mom's fate as well.

So, on the day the tree and guardian were attacked, Chronos changed everything, but in a different way than he intended. His very presence changed all of Fate's design. The reason for the attacks on the tree and guardian in Corruptverse and Timeverse was due to the villagers boasting and bragging about them. With Chronos also being a guardian of feelings, they spread that he was the new guardian with the older one protecting him and the tree because he was a child.

So two large groups attacked that day. One group went for the tree and Eden, while the other went and attacked the village, unaware that Chronos was locked and hidden away by the cruel villagers. By the time Chronos decided to break free, all the villagers were killed off. He quickly killed off the attackers and moved to the Tree of Feeling. Once there, he was already too late. His mom and the tree were dying and his brothers 'born'. Thinking quickly, Chronos was able to help his mom fuse with the tree to prolong both life spans a little longer.

Chronos sat there, saddened by the events as he leaned against the tree. He didn't like the fact we was going to lose his mom so soon. Then he felt two figures lean against him. Looking at the two, he observed his brothers. Both of them were shaken at the scene of their mother dying.

Chronos observed the detail of his brothers. They bodies had beautiful colored lines surrounded their ribs, spine, and upper arms and legs. His Dream brother had lines were a bright gold, while his Nightmare brother has a vibrant violet. Looking into each of their eye sockets, he found something rather unique.

Gold and Violet met his eye lights, but what was really breathtaking was a little design and color hidden within their eye lights. If he looked closely in the violet eye light of his Nightmare brother's right eye socket, you would see an electric blue crescent moon that held a sun in the tips. In the his Dream brother's left gold eye light, you could see a sea-foam green sun similar to the other child's with an emerald green diamond-shaped star in the center. Chronos wanted to compare the two by quickly looking between the two, but found he had to stare into their eye lights in order to see the design and colors.

Chronos held them close that day and told them their names. His brother that was counterparts with Dream was named Daydream. All the while his brother that was counterpart to Nightmare was named Nightlife. Chronos let out calming feelings of magic to help lull his brother to sleep. Once they were asleep, Chronos used Time Rapture to let them dream happily.

Once his brothers slept, Chronos moved to clean up the bloody aftermath of the attack. He didn't want his brothers growing up knowing the sight of blood baths or loss of life just yet. Chronos knew he would teach them how to fight, but not when they were just created into the world. That was too soon and he rather teach them life skills before battle skills.

That's what Chronos did after his brothers woke up that morning. He pulled them int Time Recall and started teach them many things. When he knew they learned enough, he released Time Recall to put their new found knowledge into practice.

All three of them guarded the tree everyday, but no one came to them. With no villagers to spread the word about the Tree of Feelings and their guardians, there was no one after the tree. There were travelers that would pass through the village, but were scared away by either of them. The rumors that surrounded the village say that all those who go there vanish.

That rumor wasn't very off. Those who traveled to the village before the attack either moved in or died to the guardian for trying to get the apples, thous never going back where they came. They didn't even tell those that knew them that they moved in. So people were very fearful of going to their village, but that didn't bother Chronos or his brothers so much.

Thanks to their magic, they were able to live off the land and the things the travels would leave when passing through. If his brothers wanted something or to make something new foods, Chronos would open a portal when he was away from his brothers to get what they needed. With all his different magic, it wasn't hard to hide his new home AU from the entire Multiverse. He didn't want his brothers to get involved in the Multiverse just yet, and he didn't want trouble to come for his brothers.

Two years after the attack of the guardian, the tree and their mother was dying. The damage to the tree and their mother's Soul was irreversible. All three of them were saddened by this. As her last wish, Eden wanted her sons to two gold and violet apples and have their Souls absorb it. Daydream absorbed a gold apple, Nightlife absorbed a violet one, while Chronos absorbed a gold and violet one.

Unlike if they were to eat the apples, absorbing it into their Souls had a different affect entirely. Chronos noticed it once the Tree of Feeling and their mom passed. Unlike Dream and Nightmare, who are the embodiment of Positive and Negative feelings, Chronos, Daydream, and Nightlife, became the embodiment of the Tree of Feeling.

They had a new magic set far unusual than Chronos had ever thought. Chronos decided it was time time to teach them fighting skills as well as healing magic. Chronos wanted them to be ready for the day the their Multiverse came knocking at their door step.

Now, as Chronos drifts to sleep, he feels the early warning signs within Reverietale. It was the warning signs of Multiversal intrusion coming soon. Chronos wasn't too worried about it, but he worried if Daydream and Nightlife were ready for the change that was going to happen. What Chronos really worried about was who was going to come here and meet them. He hoped he was prepared, physically and mentally, for who was to come.

A/N: Reverietale is an Alternate Universe of Dreamtale. I was thinking about making a story of this AU, but I'm still thinking on it. The events are slightly different, but it does have a slight description of the AU. Just not the affects that it has on Daydream and Nightlife.

Should I make another part for this?

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