"Jiminy cricket on a stick over a campfire!" Melissa curses. "Why have those two been acting so weird lately??"

"Jiminy cricket on a---what?" I ask, confused.


"Maybe something is wrong." Kawaii~Chan suggests worriedly. "They've been locked up in their room since we've gotten back."

"Naaaw, Aaron's just trying to keep Aphmau all to himself!" Melissa says. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this! COME ON! LET'S GO LOVE THEM!"

"Right!" Kawaii~Chan and I say. Melissa jumps onto a deck chair and then JUMPS OFF THE BALCONY. I look at Kawaii~Chan and shrug, following Melissa's example and landing hard on the concrete, grinning my head off.

"That was fun!" I say. I see Kawaii~Chan coming out the normal way, having gone downstairs and out the front door instead of jumping. "Party pooper." I tell her, but she just smiles and shrugs. "Cats always land on their feet anyways!"

"Not always..." She says.

"Melissa!" I say, running after her retreating form. "Can you smell them? Use your nose!"

"Yeah! I forgot I had one!" She sniffs long and hard, then brightens and points. "Back this way, Violet! My snooter has picked something up!" She leads us towards a clump of bushes and creeps toward one in particular. "Aaaaaaaand... GOTCHA!" She leaps through, looking wildly around for Aaron and Aphmau.

"W-what?" Melissa wails. "Where did they go? I could have sworn they were behind this bush..."

"Maybe the wrong bush?" Kawaii~Chan suggests.

"Or not a bush at all?" I say.

"Maybe." Melissa admits. "Hmmm... C'mon! Let's keep looking!"

"All right!" I cheer.

"Okay." Kawaii~Chan says. "But only for a little longer. I have to meet someone soon."

"Oooooh, my brother?" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Nyaaa!" Kawaii~Chan complains. "No..."

"Heeheehee." I giggle. "Okay, fine. But say hi to whoever you're meeting with, okay?"

"Okay! Just a heads up, Travis~Kuhn should be stopping by later, so if you want to talk to him, be here." Kawaii~Chan says.

"Ohhhh, are you talking to Katelyn?" I say giddily.



"Oh, right!" I chase after Melissa and Kawaii~Chan follows.


"Hi, Zane!" I chirp, walking into his room.

He looks up. "Hi, Violet."

"Oh! Violet! Hi!" I look over and do a double-take when I see a white-haired boy with smiley green eyes.

"Travis?" I ask incredulously.

"Hi!" he repeats. "How's it going?"

"Blegh!!" Zane groans.

"Hey! Stop being a wet noodle, I'm trying to start a conversation!" Travis says grumpily.

"About what?" Zane demands. "You never talk to Violet. Or me. Like. Ever."

"Oh come on, don't be---" Travis starts.

"PLLLLLLLLLHPH." Zane blows a raspberry and I giggle despite myself.

"Now that's just childish." Travis says.

Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn come downstairs. "We're reaaady!" Kawaii~Chan says cheerfully.

"Sorry it took a bit." Katelyn says.

"Not a problem." Travis says, sounding nicer now. "You look stunning."

"Where're you guys going?" I ask. "Double-date?"

Zane sighs. "We're going to a party. Let's just get going. I'm ready for food."

The bathroom door disintegrates from its hinges and Garroth runs inside. "FOOD??" he hollers excitedly.

"Heeey, Garroth!" Travis says.

"Travis!" Garroth squeals.

Zane growls, but then his tone changes. "Ohh...OH! Gaaaarroth... brotherrrrrr... Wanna come with us to a partyyyy?"

I cough.

"And you too, Violet! You're coming!" Katelyn says, glaring at Zane. "All right, Garroth, you can come."

"What are we doing, anyway?" I ask.

"It's the (something, can't tell what she says) fundraiser!" Kawaii~Chan says. "It's supposed to be a party, but all the money spent there goes to the, ummmm..."

"Did you forget already?" Katelyn laughs.


"It goes to fund the wildlife around Starlight." Katelyn explains.

"WOW! Fundraiser sounds---uhhh, boring." Garroth says blandly. "Party sounds fun, though!"

"I can agree on that!" Zane says.

"So is everyone going to be in an animal costume, or is everyone dressed up like a fish, or something?" Travis asks.

Kawaii~Chan giggles, but Katelyn looks a little annoyed. "I don't think that---"


"I don't think they will, it's an adult party, and that's kinda---" Katelyn says.

"That sounds amazing!" Travis says giddily.

"I'm for it! I wanna be a suuuuper cute cheetah!" Kawaii~Chan says. "Raaar!"

"Ooooooh, I wanna be a butterfly!" I say, imagining the wings on my face.

"I WANNA BE A DOLPHIN! The swans of the sea..." Garroth says happily.

"Why don't you just be a swan?" Travis asks.

Garroth gives a big, drawn-out gasp. "SWAN. OF. THE. SEA. Let's go!" He hurries out of the room, and Kawaii~Chan, Travis and I follow him quickly, each imagining the beautiful face-paint art we will receive.

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