Welcome Home, Princess

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Fifth Season

"I missed this so fucking much. All of it. Him. The feeling. Him."


We arrived in the underworld and it was quite strange. It looked exactly like Storybrooke except twisted. The atmosphere was a deep red color. Even the air seemed to be red. The air also reeked of burning wood which would be pleasant under different circumstances. 

We split up to search for my brother and everyone went different ways. As for me, I went towards the woods. Of course. Honestly, I just wanted to see what hell's forests looked like. Probably a lot like Neverland. 

I took a step into the dark foggy woods letting dry leaves crunch under my white shoes. My theory was right. It did look a lot like Neverland.

I spent a while just examining it. The similarities, the differences. It seemed to be mostly the same except for the aura and color. 

I turned back around to go find the rest of the group since their probably already regrouping. 

Eventually, I found Henry and the two of us walked to the group that was in Granny's. Rumple gave us some kind of liquid that would help us talk to Killian through his grave. I found it weird that everyone has a grave here but oh well. 

We went to the graveyard and got ready to pour it. Emma opeaned the decorated bottle and took a deep breath.

"Here, let me do it." I say stepping forward past the group. She gave me a nasty look before she rolled her eyes.

"No. I've got it. He's my boyfriend." 

"Ok look. He may be your boy toy but he's my brother." I snatch the liquid and she finally stepped back. I continued to pour the liquid over the grave. For a few seconds, that felt like eternity, nothing happened. Then a picture of Killian popped up. It look like it was glitching.

"The spells unstable." Someone from the group spoke. Yeah no shit.

"Killian? Killian, can you hear me?" I say as I walk towards the hologram. It does nothing. As I get closer I could tell somethings wrong. He looked beaten up and he was suffering. 

"Oh, shit." I mumble under my breath causing Emma to push through to get a closer look at him. Tears filled my eyes. Anger and sadness filled me. Emma put him through this. He was going to die a hero but she took that away but I couldn't save him. 

I looked back at Henry who was looking at me sadly. He nodded to the side and I knew what he meant.

He always knew when I needed to take a break or a walk and I know he was telling me to go. I smiled at him before I ran out of the graveyard sniffling. 

Damn it. If only Peter were here.


Hades informed me that a group of humans were going to arrive in the Underworld today. Among those, Sam. I could see her again. I could maybe find a way to go back up to the real world and we could go back to Neverland. But first I needed to take care of something.

I walked through my shop and found Rumple digging through my stuff. I stopped him and gave him what he was looking for and he was on his way. I left him a note saying that the shop was all his because I was going to go find the one person who I need.

I was going to find her.


I walked down the eerie street of Underbrooke with my hands tucked in my jacket pockets. Tears were threatening to come out but I held them in. I was getting good at that. I saw a black and off white car driving towards me and I moved to the sidewalk so she could pass. 

Cruella. I rolled my eyes at her as she drove passed with her windows down. I kept my head in front of me as she kept driving.

"Evening Peter, darling." I heard her say from around the corner she turned down. Did she just say-

I turned around quickly, letting my hair whip behind me as I did so. I peered down the empty sidewalk not seeing anyone. Until someone came around the corner Cruella had turned down. No. 

My heart started to beat a million miles per hour as adrenaline filled the veins throughout my entire body. Whoever it was paused too. They were on the other end of the cracked sidewalk.

I knew who it was from the beginning but I just couldn't believe it. Suddenly the adrenaline burst through my body sending me speeding down the sidewalk. The same happened to him as he came running towards me as well. When the two of us reached the middle I flung my arms around his neck and gripped the back of his greatly tailored black suit tightly.

"Peter" I sobbed into the shoulder of his black suit. He didn't let go either. In fact, he squeezed me closer to him.

"Princess." His voice cracked with happiness. I pulled back and cupped his face in my sweaty palms and tilted his head side to side examining him. 

"I thought I'd never see you again." I cried as his hands traveled to my hips. I pulled his face closer to mine and slammed my lips into his. I smiled into the kiss as butterflies swarmed through me once more.

I missed this so fucking much. All of it. Him. The feeling. Him.

I rested our foreheads together and we just stood in silence. Not an awkward silence but a comforting silence. The two of us still in complete shock.

He looked me dead in the eyes and smirked.

"God your a mess. Why is that." He knew the answer. He's probably always known.

"Oh, shove it." I playfully pushed his away and turned my back to him and crossed my arms in a sarcastic huff. I could feel his presence come closer to me before I felt him place his hands on my waist. He put his lips close to my neck.

"I know I did this to you," He whispered into my neck before laying a soft kiss on it. "princess." He whispered the last part before I turned to face him again and let my arms fall on his shoulders.

"I missed your dumbass." I said before kissing him one more time

"I know. I know. Now, follow me." He whispered before dragging me away down the sidewalk, interlacing our fingers.


"Ok close your eyes." Peter told me and I did as he told. He then walked behind me and put his hands over my eyes as extra protection. "I don't trust you." He laughed before leading me forward then stopping. "Ok open." He let his hands fall down to reveal a huge mansion made with stone and vines growing up the side.

"Welcome home, princess." He said proudly as he walked to the front doors of the mansion and opened his arms wide. I was completely baffled. It was gorgeous

"Peter what are we even going to do with all this space

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"Peter what are we even going to do with all this space." I said as I meeted him at the front door.

"There's a lot of things we could do with this much space." He winked and looked me up and down and I knew what he was implying. 

"Oh, in your dreams." I scoffed at him even though I completely supported the idea. I'm honestly surprised we've never done it.

"All dreams come true. Especially when it's me that makes the wish." I squinted my eyes at him and giggled before I twisted the doornob to enter the stone mansion

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