Going Home

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Return to Neverland

"No you need to act strong."


"No, no y'all aren't listening to me." I groan as I try to get my point across. I wanted to send the boys back to Neverland because it was safer for them there but they weren't listening.

"Give us one good reason why we should leave you here." Devin crossed his arms as he glared me down.

"Ok fine. It's dangerous here."

"Yeah, meaning you should come with us back to Neverland as well." Another boy spoke up.

"I would love too, but something's telling me I need to stay, and I need to listen to that." I tell him, tilting my head to the side.

Soon enough all the boys are resisting and telling me reason why they should stay as well before I shot up from where I was seated.

"I don't want you guys to leave ok?! But look what they did to Peter. They killed my true love and haven't said one word to me since. They don't care because their 'heroes' and they cover up the bad things with good things. What makes you think they won't come for my family as well? Heroes are vengeful whether they want to admit that or not. Someone's going to come for you and I'm not going to let anything happen to you if I can help it so you're going back." I made my final decision. I needed to stay here and they needed to go back home. Someone needed to look after Neverland. I mean there's already a group of the most loyal to Peter still there but they just needed too. 

They all stopped with there complaining and started to pack up their things. I took a deep breath at the success.

"You'll be ok right?" Devin walked up to me with a bag flung over his shoulders.

"Of course. Can't die remember." I sighed as I looked down at my feet. He tilted my chin up to meet his eyes.

"I mean about Peter. You'll be ok?" The sharp pain hit my heart once more at the mention of his name.

"I don't know if I'll ever be but I'll try." I weakly smile as he draws me into a hug and whispered 'goodbye'.

I stepped away and created a large portal in the forest ground. All the boys looked back at me and smiled and I smiled back. I knew that them leaving was the best for me and Neverland. They're my family but whatever is telling me to stay is telling me they need to leave.

They all gave me a hug and said goodbye to me before they jumped in and headed home. At the end of the line was Devin once more.

"I love you, Sam." He said as tears formed in his eyes. I hugged him tighly once more since I didn't know when the next time I'd be able to would be. 

"I love you too." I let go of him and pushed him towards to portal. "Now go you idiot." I laugh right before he nods his head and steps through. The portal snaps shut leaving me alone in the woods once more.

Now I just needed to find Henry and Killian. I knew M and Emma and Charming and Regina may not be able to forgive me just yet but I knew Henry would still be here for me. They could help me.


I ran around town trying to find them but I couldn't find them anywhere. I was weak right now and my magic was working right so I couldn't track them down. I stopped Leory on the street and asked him.

"The town line?" I verified and he nodded his head. I sprinted for the town line as the green smoke from the curse was wrapping around the town already. Suddenly the 'New Neverland' didn't sound to good because Peter isn't here to share it with me. No matter what anyone says, he is my happy ending. But I guess Villains don't get those...

I slowed down to a speed walk when I realized everyone was giving out hugs and it was very solemn. I walked over to Killian who at first dismissed me but when he did a double take he realized who it was.

"Junior." He scooped me up in his arms and gave me a tight hug. 

"What's happening?" I questioned quietly to not disturb the others. He explained it to me and my heart dropped. I was losing people by the second. Henry had to leave now too, at least I still had Killian.

Finally Henry broke away from his group so I could go and talk to him. Killian walked over to where Emma was to say goodbye. I was proud of him. He found someone he loves and I was happy about that but it just reminded me of something I won't have anymore.

Peter came into my mind every second and the pain wasn't going away.

"Sam!" He said excitedly which was the complete opposite reaction I was expecting. "I thought you had left forever or something after- well you know what." He looked sorry for me and genuinly concerned. This kid was always here for me no matter what I did and I was so thankful for that but it wouldn't last long anyway. He was leaving.

"Yeah," I was breaking by the second and I think it was pretty obvious. "Look I just want to say I'm sorry for trying to kill you." I laugh awakwardly making him laugh.

"It's fine I know people can be blinded by love and it makes them do terrible things. I see good in you, Sam. Even when I'm gone and don't remember you, just know one person believes in you. Sometimes that's enough." I tear up at the words and pull him into a hug.

"I would say don't forget me but that kind of inevitable." I laugh as loud thunder rumbles behind us. 

"I-I should go." He pulls out of the hug and I can tell he's crying. He's crying cause he doesn't want to lose me. It just hit me how important I am in this kids life damn.

"Yeah, you should." I smile at him as he walks to the car saying his final goodbyes. I walk over and stand next to Killian who puts his arm across my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. Tears threaten to come out but I blink them away.

'no you need to act strong.'

I repeat to myself. No one can see me weak. I see M holding Emma's face and neither of them share a word. That's all I ever wanted. Was someone to care about me like that and I found him.

But then I lost him again.

Henry turns around in the car and waves on final goodbye to me and I wave back. Regina turns around and changes the curses intentions to send us home. 

The car drives away and the last thing I see is the hopeful light in Henry's eyes dissapaering as he turns around. Forgetting about everyone and everything he's ever known and loved.

The cloud surrounds us as I take a deep breath and close my eyes and when I open them...

I'm in the enchanted forest.

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