Pain like no Other

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Return to Neverland

"I was becoming hysterical and screaming until my throat burned."


"Princess, can we talk for a sec?" I hear Peter yell behind me as he runs to catch up. I was walking back to the apartment from the talk the three of us just had.

"Yeah, sure." We stopped and sat against some trees. I refused to do anything romantic while he looked like Henry. It was weird.

"So to do what I need to do, I need the heart of the person I love most." My heart stopped beating for a second. I know who's heart he needed. Mine.


"No, I'm not going to take yours. I plan to take Felix's but for that to happen I need you to get a memory potion so I can forget you." I sighed out a breath of relief. Felix and I had become friends but Peter and I needed to do what we need to do.

"Ok and then I can put your memory's back in once you've done it." I agree with what needs to happen and he nods his head. I close my eyes and place my hand palm up. I think of the bottle of memory potion I need and it forms in my hands.

"Here." I extend my hand to Peter and he takes it.

"You need to go. If I even look at you the spell will be broken." He tells me as I stand up to leave. "I love you." I smile at him before leaving for the apartments.


The Next Day

It was the middle of the day and I wanted to get some alone time. Peter had already done what needs to be done so I brought back his memories. He had some more work to do so I let him be and went to Granny's. I sat down at the bar and Ruby knew right away what I wanted. She slid me a hot chocolate with whipped cream.

"Thanks." I mumbled to her as I wrapped my hand around the warm mug. She starts to walk away but she turns back to me.

"Hey, is everything ok?" She asks as she leans on her forearms across the counter. I raise a questioning eyebrow at the sudden kindness. "It's just you seem a little upset and all." She clarifies.

"I thought I was a villain that can't be trusted." I said sarcastically, keeping my eyes glued to the contents inside the mug.

"We all have our dark parts. What's going on?" She pushes on. I smiled at the concern for me. No ones had that for me since the curse broke.

"It's just I've had this bad feeling since the day started." I told her as I took a sip of the warm drink.

"Do you know what it's about?"

"I wanna say it's something about Peter. No one likes him here which I guess is understandable but he's also the love of my life." I chuckle a little at how stupid it sounds when you say it out loud. 

"I know what you mean. With everyone not understanding and everything." I nod at her but I furrow my eyebrows at a sounds that's coming from outside. I hear someone struggling.

I drop the mug from my hands as the glass shatters on the floor. Ruby gives me a scared look and mine are filled with concern. We both run out the door. We hit the street and look down the road to see a crowd of people standing completely still. I squint my eyes as I see someone raise a dagger above someone's body. Is that...


My heart stops as I start running as fast as my legs can carry me. My heart is pounding a billion miles per hour as my feet are trying to keep up. My stomach was dropping with every passing second. I was trying to teleport but I couldn't focus.

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