It's ok..

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1 day later..

(Gaege POV)

I woke up to see Eddie and Narrator talking to the nurse. She saw that I had awoken and said, "You're set to leave, but Y/N must stay for a couple more days. Alright?" Leaving the room. I smiled and she did too. Eddie and Narrator are smiling at me. "This is good dawg!" Eddie said slightly slapping my shoulder with a smile. "But she won't be there.." I said looking at the ground. "But she'll be there in a couple days, Gaege." Narrator softly said while making me look at him. I smiled at him and looked back to the door. "I need to visit her." I say trying to stand up. "We will after you get dressed and ready." Eddie told me standing up too. I rolled my eyes and took my clothes the guys brought me over and went into the bathroom.
3 minutes later I got done and left the room. Eddie and Narrator were standing there leaned against the wall talking. They saw me and opened the door. We all walked out and down the hall. "Where's her room?" I ask looking around slightly. "Down here." Narrator said. When we were close, I heard fast beeping and yelling. I ran to the door and was horrified. There was a doctor standing over her pumping her chest. Josh and Mully were standing in the corner of the room. Josh was crying while Mully was holding him. I looked back to the bed and heard a long droned, 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.' The doctor had stopped pumping her chest and stood there looking at the monitor; breathing heavily. My eyes started tearing up. "Time of death..." The doctor started to say. "9:23.." Those words absolutely broke me. Eddie and Narrator grabbed me because I was about to fall. Eddie hugged me and I started crying. I stood there crying and started to feel lighter. Like I was being pulled. Suddenly, "GAEGE!" I heard.. Finally, I woke up. I sat up instantly breathing heavily with a foggy view. Eddie was standing over me. "It's ok.. You alright dawg?" He said grabbing me into a hug. Tears were still falling out of my eyes. "Y... Y/N?" I whisper. "What?" Eddie whispered. "Is Y/N alright?" I ask quietly. Eddie pulled away. "What for? I imagine she is.." I looked around the room. It was just Eddie with me. "Josh, Mully and Narrator went to go to get something to eat, but they said they'd check on her on their way back." Eddie said making me look at him again. I calmed down and took a deep breath. I leaned back and Eddie looked at me again. "Why were you crying in your dream?" Eddie asked softly. I look away out the window. "I had a dream that Y/N flatlined.." I looked over at Eddie. His eyes met mine and they were filled with sorriness. He then looked at the ground quietly. I looked back at the window and waited. There was a silence but it didn't seem forced. It was a calming silence. Eddie and I waited for about 5 minutes in silence until the door opened. Both our heads shot to the door. There was Josh and Mully. "Oh, you're up." Josh said with a smile. I nodded and smiled slightly. I gave them a confused look. "Oh, Narrator stayed with Y/N." Mully said smiling. I smiled and looked back out the window. "Why does he have tears in his eyes." Mully whispered to Eddie ever so slightly, but I heard. Eddie didn't answer, so I looked at him. He was just staring at me. "I had a dream that Y/N had died and you two were in her room." I finally said. I looked at Josh and Mully. They looked sorry. I shook my head. "I'm fine." I said with a smile. "It was just a dream." They did a weak smile and nodded. I looked back out the window. "Can we leave?" I ask after a minute. I glanced at the three. They were all staring at eachother. "I don't see why not. You'd have to get dressed, but yeah. Sure." Eddie said smiling. I smiled and started to stand up. I took a breath as Mully handed me my clothes that Eddie brought to me yesterday night. I fully stood up and walked to the bathroom to get dressed.

(Eddie POV)
5 minutes later...

Gaege finally opened the door and smiled at us. "I'm ready." He told us. Josh, Mully and I stood up and opened the door and we all left. We walked down the hall towards Y/N's room. The hall was calm. We made it to her room to see Narrator holding Y/N's hand. He looked up as our presence alerted him. Y/N was sleeping. I glanced over at the monitor. It was normal. Beeping every second. I looked at Gaege. He had a smile on his face as he walked over to her quietly. Gaege bent over here and kissed her on the cheek. Y/N smiled in her sleep and Gaege stood back up straight. And smiled at her. "When she wakes up, will you tell her I l-...... I'm going home.?" Gaege hesitantly whispered to Narrator. He looked up at him. "Uh, yeah. F-for sure.." Narrator told him quietly looking back to Y/N. I smiled at Gaege, knowing what he wanted to say. Gaege looked at me and smiled. "I'm ready." He whispered. I nodded and started to leave the room. We all left the room and closed the door. Gaege finalized his discharge and we left the hospital and drove home.

(Your POV)

I was awoken by something... I don't know what.. I opened my eyes to be home. I was confused because I'm supposed to be at the hospital. I sit up and look around. I was in Gaege's room. The room was barely lit by a small light in the corner... I heard the beeping again.. like I did in that one dream.. but, was I in a dream? I had to be.. I heard the beeping getting louder. I then felt like I was being awoken. I finally opened my eyes to see bright lights. I was in my hospital bed. The beeping was my heart monitor. I look over to see Narrator was on his phone. I made a small sound which made him look up. He saw my eyes were opened and he smiled. I slightly smiled back. "Gaege told me to tell you he was going home." Narrator told me. I nodded and smiled. "Good..." I whispered while looking towards the door. "Good.."

Heeleoeoleo! I hope you liked this chapter. Pretty sad, but it got overruled.. Bye, love ya!

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