The Darkness.

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(Gaege POV)

I see darkness. I hear nothing. I see nothing except blackness. Then, I hear something. I don't know what. Ticking? Beeping? Whispers? I don't know. It gets louder. It sounds like beeping. I slowly feel myself getting pulled. I hear beeping. Talking. Whispers. I fully get pulled into reality. I hear the beeping again. It's steady. Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... I hear indistinct whispers and a small laugh. Everything got quieter. I open one eye and look to my right. I see someone standing. My eyes are foggy. I can't see clearly. I close my eyes again and reopen them. I looked again to my right. It was Narrator leaning against the wall. I look to my left. Mully and Josh were sitting next to my bed. I make a small sound and hear "shh shhh... It's ok.." It's Mully. I sigh and open my mouth slightly. "Hey? Gaege?" I hear softly next to me. It's Narrator. I open my right eye. "W..what?" I ask softly. "Here." I hear to my left. I sensed someone lean it and put something against my lips. It was a cup. I took a drink and felt refreshed. I sat for a second. "How long was I out..?" I ask softly. Silence. After a second, "two days..." I heard Josh say. My eyes opened and looked at him. "What happened?" I asked more aware. "When Y/N coded-" Mully got out. "Y/N! Is she ok?" Mully looked at Narrator. Narrator looked at Josh, and then they all looked at me. "What?" I cried out. "She's been in a coma since you were too..." Narrator said sadly. I stared out the door. Everything got slow. Everything slowed down. "Gaege." I heard Mully say. Everything got fast again. "Don't pass out again." He said trying to be funny. I looked at him. "Ok. Say what happened again..." He stopped laughing. Josh looked at me. "After Y/N coded, you ran out and made it down the hall. After a second, Narrator and Mully yelled your name and then you just collapsed. We ran to you and checked your pulse. It was slow, but there so we yelled for help. We got someone to help you." Josh finished. Narrator and Mully nodded. I looked around the room. "Eddie is with Y/N." Narrator said to me. He grabbed my hand which made me look at him. "She's fine, Gaege. We love her as much as you do. We'll protect her for as much as we can since you can't. I'm sorry this happened to you guys. I would've rather happen to me than you." I saw his eyes twinkle as if he was tearing up. "Thanks, Grant." He smiled at me. I smiled too. I looked over at Mully. "I want to see Eddie." I say. He nodded and said "Ok. I'll go get him." He stood up and Josh followed him. Narrator and I were sitting there in silence when I heard footsteps outside the door. I saw the Mexican and got happier. "Heyy dawggg!" Eddie said with a smile. I smiled. "Heyyy!" I said excitedly. He sat on my left and looked at me. "You're finally awake!" He said stupidly. Making a dumb Skyrim reference which I found hilarious. I let out a loud laugh and so did Narrator and Eddie. I smiled at my friends and laid my head back. I closed my eyes and just sat there, thinking. "Is Y/N stable?" I ask still looking up. "I mean, she hasn't coded since the other day, so I'd say so." Eddie said. I just nodded. "Ok." I whisper. I felt sleepy... Every sound I heard slowly got more quieter. First, the talking. But, Eddie and Narrator weren't talking..? The whispering, the laughs. I heard them get quieter. The beeping. Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... It got quiet. I felt relaxed. My breathing slowed. The beeping stopped and I felt lighter. The darkness came again. I hear nothing. I see nothing. I only see blackness...

Hellooololooo. I'm sorry for this being quite short, but I felt like finishing it, so I'll hopefully make a new one later today. Bye, love ya ❤️

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