Break in

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3 days later..

(Gaege POV)

It's been a couple days since the Instagram post, and it's been calm.
Y/N and I were sitting in the living room cuddling. I got a text in my phone and I pulled it out. It was the group chat.

Narrator: Ay guy, you wanna all hand out?

Eddie: Where?

Gaege: Yeah, Y/N and I are watching TV, so maybe, maybe not.

Josh: Yeah, I'm editing.

Narrator: I was either thinking going out to eat or hanging out at Gaege's?

Mully: That'd work.

Gaege: That's fine, I'll ask Y/N.

"Hey Y/N?" She looks up at me. "Hmm?" She hummed. "Would you be ok with the guys coming over for a bit?" I ask her with a smile. Y/N thought about it. Her thinking face was adorable. "Yeah, sure. They haven't been here in a couple days." Y/N said looking back at the TV. I nodded and pulled the text back up.

Gaege: She said that I'd be ok!

Narrator: Yay.

Eddie: Nice, dawg! I'll be over in 10.

Mully: Yeah, same. I'm editing a video

Narrator: Ok. I'll be over in a few. I'm eating.

Josh: I'll be over soon too.

Gaege: Ight, take your time guys. I'll see you.

I put my phone down and kissed Y/N on the cheek. "What was that for?" She asked looking up. I smiled. "No reason." Y/N blushed and hummed, "Mhmm.." I kissed her again. She laid back while I got on top of her. Her and I were making out, waiting for the guys to get here. After a good 5 minutes, we heard a sound. It sounded like it came from the front door so I got off of her and Y/N just smiled and blushed. It was a pretty heated kiss. I smiled back as well and opened the front door. I expected to see one of the guys, but instead.. no one. "Who is it?" Y/N asked getting up off the couch. "No one.." I tell her while closing the door. Suddenly, there was a sound that came from upstairs. "Call the cops." I whisper to Y/N. "But the guys' will be here any minute." She whispered back pulling her phone out. "Just do it!" Y/an obeyed and called 911. I heard footsteps upstairs just as the cops answered the phone. Y/N was whispering to them as I heard a loud sound. Y/N heard it too. It sounded as if something fell over. Her eyes widened. It was silent. Very, silent. Y/N stayed put as I tip toed up the steps. I reached the footsteps to my room, and I heard something sliding. I was confused. I then heard Y/N whisper, "they're one their way, Gaege." Up the stairs. I nodded down to her. After a minute, I heard police sirens. They were pretty close. I sighed, but then realized: if I heard the sirens, then the person in the room did as well. I got a rush of fear go over me. I looked down the stairs and saw Y/N looking up at me, confused. Right then, I heard an impact. Quiet, but there. "Look out the living room window." "Why?" Y/N asked. "Just do it!" I told her. She nodded and ran to the window. I opened the bedroom door and looked inside. Suddenly, I heard Y/N yell, "there's nothing here!" But the window was open. The curtains were flying in the wind. I was freaked out. I ran out of the room and down the stairs. The door then flew open. Cops rushed in. They had guns and they aimed them at me. I put my hands up. "Hey hey hey! I'm the one who called! The person I'm assuming heard the sirens and bolted." I told them and they put their guns down. At that moment, all the guns rushed in. "What the hell happened?" Eddie yelled. One of the cops turned around and aimed their gun at him. "Hey! They're cool. They're my friends!" I say before they shot Eddie. "Oh." The cop said, putting his gun down. "Yeah, but what happened?!" Narrator asked looking at me and Y/N. "Y/N and I were hanging out waiting for you guys, when we heard footsteps upstairs. We called the cops and they came." I said to they guys and the cops. All of them nodded. "Ok, you guys can come in, while we search." The lead officer asked. All the guys nodded and ran to us. We all sat on the couches while they all ran up the stairs. "What happened?" Mully asked holding Josh's hand. "I said that Y/N and I were waiting for you guys to get here when we heard footsteps upstairs. She called the cops while I went upstairs. I didn't open the door until after I heard an impact on the ground outside. I'm pretty sure the person jumped out the window." I explained to them all. Eddie looked worried. "What?" I ask. He looked at me. "What if it's the person who posted the picture of you guys sleeping?" Y/N and I looked at eachother. "We didn't think of that." She said softly. I nodded and looked back to Eddie. "Whatever." Narrator said. "If it was and he comes back, I'm sure we'll all take him." He smiled and looked at me. I smiled as well and laughed. "We are pretty strong." I laughed out. Y/N nodded and looked at all of them. "I'm glad I moved here.." Y/N spoke with a genuine smile. "We are too." Eddie said. I nodded and kissed her on the forehead. I put my arm around her as the cops all came down the steps. All our heads shot to the stairway. "We didn't find anything. We don't know if anything's missing, you'll have to determine that. But we did find the window open. You said that you heard an impact?" One of the cops asked me. I nodded. "Yes, I was outside the door. It was quiet but I did hear it." I said solemnly. They all nodded and one said, "If you guys have anymore scares, you just call us. Ya hear?" We all nodded and smiled. They left out the front door. "Just wanna watch TV?" Mully asked. "Sure." I said while grabbing the remote. "Maybe VR later?" Narrator asked. I nodded and smiled while leaning back with Y/N in my arms.

Heeellooo!! I hope you liked this chapter. Who is this mysterious person? Is it just a crazy fan? A random break in? Bye, love ya!

RoommatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora