Chapter 42 - New Recruit

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"Those two sure have come a long way."


"Do you think you can finish sowing the seeds on your own, (Name)-chan?" I nodded and bid Isshiki farewell as he went inside to freshen up. It was a simple task, plus he'd already plowed the plots. "Thank you. You're the best!"

"Dang straight I am." I muttered and set to work. These days it seemed like if I wasn't cooking, I was farming. I might as well become a farmer at this point.

Heh, Isshiki would love that. He's probably got this dream of all of us running a private farm together. I giggled at the thought of our friends in matching farming uniforms working the corn fields together. It sounds corny, but knowing Isshiki... he definitely has that dream.

I sowed the last seed and rolled my shoulders. Finally done. Farm work was tiring, but it was also refreshing.

And a good distraction.

I pouted as I thought of how Soma and Megumi left early this morning to attend the Autumn Leaf Viewing Event. To think that they, along with the other six from the Election's main rounds, got to meet the Elite Ten today was insane! And good for them. They deserved it, and I was happy for them.

I thought back to stage one of my Stagiaire and how Ryou seemed to have reconciled (at least partially) with his mom. Miyu was right in saying Akahoshi was a pained individual, but that was still no excuse for her to flub her evaluations.

But whatever. I was over it. I just wished I could've met the Elite Ten. Get a taste of their cooking. If it was anything like the dishes I'd tasted from Isshiki, then I couldn't not want to eat them.

And even more so, keep Soma from risking his enrollment for a Shokugeki. I thought back to his aloofness when I warned him before their departure. He'd admitted before that he wasn't going to listen to me, but he could at least pretend to care!

"If you somehow manage to snag a Shokugeki for a seat on the Ten, nice." I shrugged as Soma and I descended the main stairs. Megumi waited at the entrance.

I pointed an accusatory finger at him. "Just don't go and get yourself expelled, okay? Make all the challenges you want, but don't lose!"

Soma gave a carefree laugh as he glossed over my lecture. "That's the plan, Homura! I don't see why you're so stressed. Tadokoro and I are the ones meeting them today."

"Soma-kun!" Megumi frowned at his flippancy, shooting me an apologetic look.

I bubbled with irritation at the memory. Though, I was also at fault for trying to change him.

He just needs someone to keep him from going too far, is all.

"I used to be so easygoing before. When did Soma-kun's stunts start to stress me out this much?" I wondered aloud as I cleared away the leftover garden tools. Perhaps it was because I'd grown close to him in such a short time that it felt odd to worry to this degree.

But I couldn't begin to imagine Tōtsuki without him here. He brought something new to the table, and I didn't want to lose that just yet.

What am I even thinking? He can handle himself. Besides, Megumi is with him. I placed the tools back into the shed where they belonged. The thought of the girl automatically made my shoulders feel lighter as if a weight had been lifted. How fortunate I was to know her...


I turned in the direction of the noise. It sounded like... wood?


A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin