High School AU Filler Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"I am not lying, moss head," he glares at the boy.

"Stop," I hold up my hand. "We can still be Sanji's favorite girls even if he likes to flirt around," I chuckle as Sanji pouts at me.

"If you keep bringing me sweets, I don't care who you look at," Nami grins, watching as Sanji pulls all kinds of things out of his lunch bag.

"Everyone free this weekend?" Luffy asks, walking over to me. He easily lifts me up enough to be able to take a seat and place me on his lap. "I know you are, dumpling," he smirks at me.

"What crazy thing do you have planned, Luffy?" I run my hand through his midnight black hair, placing a kiss to his cheek.

"We were thinking of going to the beach for the afternoon on Sunday, so clear your schedules," Zoro takes the free seat on the other side of me.

"I'll start planning food as soon as I get home then," Sanji says.

"I can practice drawing maps while we're out there," Nami nods. "Any reason why you want to head out there? You don't even like the water, Luffy."

Luffy shrugs, "It's going to be nice, and I thought we could have a day to get away." He shoves some meat from his lunchbox into his mouth.

"I'll let Chopper know the plan," I pull my phone out of my backpack, sending a quick text to the boy.

"I wonder if Ms. Robin or Brook would like to join us," Usopp says. "What about Ace, Akari? Do you think him and some of his friends would like to join us?"

"Oh, I am sure that I can get him to join us," I giggle. "I am his precious little sister, and I can't remember the last time that he told me no," I place my phone back into my backpack. "We can't let too many people in on the plan, though. Next thing you know, Hancock," I snarl, "will show up."

"It's cute that you hate her," Luffy presses a kiss to my cheek. "She doesn't run around my mind like you, so you have nothing to worry about."

"She still bothers me," I grumble, shoving some rice into my mouth.

"I'll invite Kaya now before I forget," Usopp takes a bite of his sandwich, pulling his phone out of his pocket and texting away.

"I wonder if Perona would like to join us," Zoro mumbles.

"This idea started as our group getting away, and now I feel like everyone we know is going to be joining us," Nami chuckles. "Not that it matters. We'll have a great time with whoever is there."

"I want to make a sandcastle, and dig a hole because I can, and read a book in the sun because that is super fun," I smile wide. "Oh, now I am getting all excited for Sunday."

"You'll spend a lot of time with me, right?" Luffy wraps an arm around my stomach, giving me a small squeeze.

"I always do," I coo.

"I'm going to have to go out and buy some new swimsuits," Nami nibbles on her bottom lip. "Akari, we have to go shopping on Saturday, and there is nothing you can say to get out of it," she points at me with her chopsticks.

"I promise that I will go shopping with you," I nod. "I think I need some new suits as well, so I kind of have to go with you."

"Splendid," she grins. "I'll see if any of the other girls want to join us later."

"I bet Franky and I could make some awesome floats and whatnot if we can find the time," Usopp says.

"I can't wait until he has time to make that van of his into whatever he is dreaming for it," I rest my head on Luffy's shoulder. "I want to explore all kinds of places with all of you. I want to see the world."

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