"That's what I thought you'd say." The corner of Louis' slim lips tug into a small grin, "I'll look into it. Can't promise anything. Have to talk to Turner about it." Louis finished tidying up my clothes before he rocked back on his heels.

"Liam and Niall should be here anytime now."

"Will Zayn be there tonight?" images of him being ignored by Liam roll through my head and I can imagine how hurt Zayn'd be.

"Well, it's mandatory. But he is with Justin, so it wouldn't surprise me if a few rules were bent here and there. However, I don't see him as a rule breaker." Louis walks around to the other side of the large bed and he plunks himself down opposite me. "You've seen him around, yeah? He looks so much happier. It's only been a few days. I want to chat with Justin for a bit, one on one, make sure everything's okay and going good."

I quirk a brow, "Isn't that Liam's job to do the checkup thing?"

Louis shrugs, his white button up shirt rolled up to just below his elbows moving along with his biceps, "Zayn's been a good friend of mine for a while now. There's nothing wrong with wanting to check up on him."

The chime of the doorbell echoes through the house and Louis was quick to spring from the bed, "C'mon. You'll get to meet my friends Mitch and Azam, I think you'll like them."

More stuck up boys, from a stuck up school, who think they're better than everyone here. That's all I need is for Louis to see two men happy together to get this fucked up picture in his head that we'll be like that someday.


Narrator's POV

Zayn was slowly getting used to Justin's ways. He was still apprehensive about everything he did, but now he didn't need to be told twice when Justin says 'It's up to you'. Zayn wanted Justin to pick out his clothes for the gala, but Justin was letting him choose for himself. So he opted for what he regularly wore with Liam.

He slipped into one of Liam's black tees that he had packed into a bag of his, before he was scrummaging through to find his jeans; the ones that didn't have a hole in the knee. Zayn was standing beside the bed as his hands raked through the bag, with no luck, he dumped the contents out on Justin's bed that he now shared. All articles of clothing falling out, and there he found his jeans, rolled up the way Liam had always packed his pants. A smile rushed across Zayn's lips at the sight, he picked the pants up by the waistband to hold them up. As he did something had fallen out and onto the bed. Zayn quirked a brow as he realized exactly what had fell onto the dark sheets of Justin's bed. There lay the pair of furry black triangles with small silver clips to attached to the ends; his puppy ears.

Zayn's heart flickered in joy. Liam had thought about him. Liam was looking out for him. Zayn's whole chest felt light and airy as he thought about what this could mean about Liam and how it could mean his old Liam was back.

He carefully clipped them into his dark hair, the colours blending perfectly. Zayn tilted his head back and forth to make sure they're on right.

He flinched greatly, almost a jump, when he heard a loud huff coming from the other side of the room. Justin walked into the bedroom, fresh out of the shower, and his hair was down with the tips stuck together in droplets of water.

"You have a puppy kink?" Justin asks, his tone suggesting greatly that he already knew where this conversation is heading.

Zayn's lips part innocently, his headspace already heading to submissive; the moment his ears were put on to be exact.

"I guess I do," Zayn shrugs, "It makes me feel comfortable."

"As in, comfortable within yourself? Or as in Liam has made that a comfort zone for you?" Justin took steps closer to Zayn. The two grown closer together over the last few days and Justin feeling able to pull Zayn by his hips and bring him flush against his body. A part of Justin being apprehensive of taking advantage of Zayn's submissive state, but the greater part of him not caring and wanting to take what is his; not matter how temporary.

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