20 Months later

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"You didn't have to come back for this?"

Arthit was in the middle of tying up a black tie loosely over his neck, he was already wearing his own one. He licked his lips looking up.

Kongpob sat on the bed, the top button of his shirt was undone, and his bare feet grazed their new flooring. "It's hard enough not being here all the time so short visits are the best" he stated.

"You only have couple of more weeks before you come back, it seemed like a waste."

Kongpob stood up from the bed and walked towards him. Arthit looked up as he took the finished tie over his head and walked forward.

"The weeks cannot come soon enough!" Kongpob stated.

"2 years flew by" Arthit stated hooking the tie over Kongpob's head making sure he didn't mess his hair up "Can't you stay for another year" he smirked.

Kongpob took a hold of his waist, tugging him forward "You missed me as much as I missed you."

Arthit grinned tightening the tie "I don't have no idea where you heard that"

Kongpob kissed his neck "from you" he whispered.

Arthit leaned away "Don't" he whined covering Kong's lips "be good"

Kongpob groaned "I've been good for 32 hours."

Arthit grinned "a record for you" he jibed tucking the thinner part of the tie and straightened it. He pecked Kongpob on the cheek before stepping out of his arms "Now get your socks."

Kongpob smiled, he leaned over to the side of the bed and grabbed his tie clip. He looked down making sure his tie was secure to the shirt. Arthit stepped out of the bathroom, a waistcoat over his crisp blue shirt and his black jacket over his arm. Kongpob leaned his head back and groaned out loud "You look too good" he whined.

Arthit smirked leaned to grab a pair of Kong's socks and threw it over the bed and right into the side of his head "Hurry, we're be late."

Kongpob rolled his eyes, sitting on the bed lifting one leg up so he could put the socks on. "You hate these things, why you in a rush to get there?" Kongpob asked looking over his shoulder as he switched legs.

"I don't like being late" Arthit turned to walk out.

Kongpob shook his head and rolled his trouser legs down before standing.

"I got your phone" Arthit called as he descended the stairs. Kongpob let out a long sigh before following him down the stairs. He got to the bottom of the stairs, jumping the last step, and grabbed his suit jacket from where he left it when he got in from the airport. Arthit had his shoes and car keys in his hand waiting at the door.

Kongpob draped his jacket on one shoulder as he held the wall to slip his formal shoes on.

"Kongpob" His dad gestured to him from where he was walking to another student that was here with their parents.

Kongpob smiled unhooking the button from his jacket and walked over "Por" he held his hands together and greeted the couple opposite him.

"This is my son, These are the Ayutthaya's, Mek has retired last year and he used to supply us with the designs for he products" Par introduced, smiling he tapped tapping Kongpob on the arm "Kongpob is working abroad now but once he returns, he has a great job role waiting here for him."

Kongpob grinned "Unfortunately not yet, I have still much to learn before I can take over from my Great Por" he stated.

"This kid definitely takes over your stubbornness" the Man stated.

The Real World - Kongpop/ArthitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin