Telling All - Part 2

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Arthit dragged himself out of bed the following weekend. He knew about the dreaded meeting with his parents was today. He looked back over his shoulder and wished Kongpop was able to stay, he would have got his parents off his mind and he would be able to sleep good but Kongpop had exam prep with friends the night before.

His phone pinged with a message, he leaned over the bed moving the covers to find his phone buried. He smiled as he read the morning text from Kong. Shaking his head he replied back.

He put his phone on the nightstand and lifted his duvet cover to make the bed, he sighed as his phone rang. Twisting round he looked at the caller Id 'Mother' he growled and ignored it.

He fluffed his pillows and corrected his stuffed bear, smiling at the memory of the carnival they went to a couple of months ago. Kong was insistent in winning it for him.

Arthit walked over to his fridge opening it before letting out a huge sigh before closing it and looked at the clock. He grabbed his things together making sure his bag was packed and placed by the door.

He shut the bathroom door and grabbed his phone, wallet and keys. Checking his phone last time, sending his Mother a text to say he was on the road, and then sent another text to Kongpop before grabbing his bag.

He unlocked the car, the shared space was something him and Kongpop had decided in the middle of the week

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He unlocked the car, the shared space was something him and Kongpop had decided in the middle of the week. Over the past year Kongpop would go for a run even before Arthit would wake up so it made sense for Kong to drop Arthit off at work first before going back to the faculty.

Kong would usually pick Arthit up from Work after his 3pm class would finish and then they would stay together, but most of the time Arthit would only have the car when Kong would need to study.

He had threw his bag in the back seat and shut the driver door, and then connect his phone to the in car phone before setting off for the journey of his home town.

Later on in the journey, he picked up some flowers at a local stall before getting back in the car to drive another mile to his house. It still looked the same after last seeing it over a year ago, the front lawn had overgrown just below his kneecap.

He locked the car door and let out a shaky breath before walking up the familiar walkway to the door.

Mentally preparing himself, Arthit made sure his phone was on silent before knocking on the door and walking straight in. "Ma," he called.

It was silent for a second before a women voice shouted through the house, "Arthit is that you?"

"Yeah," He called back putting his bag by the door and walked down the walkway, "You in the garden?" he asked.


Arthit rolled his eyes, what was new.

He reached to the other side of the house and stood at the open back door leading into a large space. He walked onto the wood leading out into the garden and then there was a set of stairs towards the grassy area, his Mother was laying on the lounger, back to the door.

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