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Arthit placed his bag by the door and walked into the living room. Kongpop laid on his back, one arm hanging off the sofa and the TV playing in the background. He sighed taking his shoes off and lean over the sofa or the blanket and covered Kong with it "Sorry I'm late"

Kongpop slept on.


Switching all the office lights on Arthit rubbed at his eyes before walking over to his desk, he jumped "Ah" he held onto his chest as he saw a figure sitting at one of the desks. "What the hell are doing here?"

The figure smiled and wai "Did I scare you?"

Arthit took his bag off placing it on his desk "Yes, can't you tell my souls over by the door." He pulled his chair out. "N'Dae, why are here in the office so early?"

The junior licked his lips "I don't want to talk about it" he said typing to the computer.

Arthit switched the small fan by his computer on and pulling himself under the desk. "Fought, again did you?" he smirked.

Dae groaned, his head down slightly "All the time."

Arthit switched the computer on leaning back to wait for it to load. "Is there a time when you're not here early in the morning?" he asked.

Dae shook his head taking a sip of his cold coffee on the side. "I was forced out the office last night, so I have a little extra to finish off and I don't want to wake up to another fight again" he stated.

Arthit logged in and bringing up the company's database

They both stood and waiied at the others as they all arrived.

Arthit grabbed the wad of the papers from his desk and grabbed his newly printed invoices out of the printer. He tapped Dae on the shoulder "Follow me!"

Dae locked his computer and grabbed his pass, putting it round his neck.

"Pen" Arthit said.

Dae ran back round to the desk and grabbed his pen and pad from the top drawer.

Arthit smiled as he held the door open.

They walked to the elevator.

"Tell me what the fight was about?"

Dae sighed hands in his pocket as they waited for the elevator.

Arthit raised an eyebrow.

Dae looked at the floor "Always has to be impatient."

"That's all I'm getting?" Arthit asked as the elevator doors opened, and they stepped in.

Dae raised an eyebrow "Yeah, if half of my classmates could see their scary senior wanting to give relationship advice, they would think I had gone mad!"

Arthit nudged him "Come on! Tell your scary senior!" he glared at him.

Dae shook his head "I saw you trip last week by your own feet, trust me you not scaring me at all with that baby glare."

Arthit pouted "I don't have the scariness in me now! But come on at least tell me so I can throw 4 years of experience at you."

Dae chuckled "I almost got away from it then."

Arthit shook his head "We're in the lobby now but once we finish with this client than you spill everything!"

Dae sighed following him out of the elevator "So close to getting away with it" he whispered.

Arthit greeted the receptionist and then to the client "Thank you for coming into the office, my Intern will get you your visitors pass and then we're get the tour done and then discuss."

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