Meet the Family!

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Arthit stood in front of Kongpop's mantle, admiring the pictures.

He picked up a small a5 frame and smiled at what must be Kongpop when he was in high school; thin round glasses, hair covering his forehead and the usual bog standard school uniform, he was hugging Aim and another friend. 

He placed it back next to the photo of Kongpop holding a small baby, which seemed to be his niece.

Arthit stared at the adorable photo of a toddler Kongpop being squished between two girls; from what he remembers Kong told him his two older sisters were 10 years apart. He screwed his face up looking away from the adorable picture when he heard steps on the stairs and a small childish giggle. 

He turned to the doorway as Kongpop had his finger against his lips directed at the small 5 year old hiding behind his leg.

Arthit grinned putting his hands behind his back.

Kongpop looked up and his face beamed at him, the child had her hand curled round his leg and was giggling. "Hi," she giggled.

Arthit waved at the girl, "Hi."

The child covered her mouth and waved back with the arm that was curled round Kong's leg, "Pêe kŏie, you're pretty!" she whispered.

Kongpop covered his mouth, his shoulders shaking in laughter.

Arthit kneeled down, "Why thank you. You can just call me by my name."

"Really!" she whispered.

Arthit nodded.

She moved her hands behind her back and smiled up at him, "Papa says I can't call people by their names because they're older than me but if you say I can then that's alright" she explained.

Kongpop placed his hand on the top of her head, "that's right Madee and you should always do as your Por says." She nodded.

Arthit smiled, Kong looked over at him and he shook his head. He crouched in front of her, "I hear you're really good at cartwheeling!"

Madee nodded, "Uh Huh? Náa pop says I might even cartwheel all the way to the sky!" She said and giggled, "Isn't he silly?"

Arthit chuckled, "Yeah he's very silly. We both know we cannot get to the sky, right. Unless we're in a plane."

"I know. A'thit you're smarter than Naa'Pop"

Arthit nodded, as the girl's cuteness could not be stopped, he covered his mouth to hide his facial expression from the young girl just in case she thought he was laughing at her. "I sure am."

Kongpop gasped, turning his face away "Dee Dee I thought you were on my side" he said pretending to be offended by her change of love towards him.

Dee giggled reaching forward and hugging Arthit round the neck, "You old news Naa'Pop. I love A'thit more because he's pretty!"

Arthit chuckled out loud lifting her up, "Yeah Kong I'm better than you," he stuck his tongue out.

Kongpop reached over and tickled Dee Dee on the bottom of her foot. She moved her face away from Arthit ear and let out a squeal.

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